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卷 60, 编号 7 (2017)


Concepts of the physical level of the fifth generation communications systems

Pokamestov D., Kryukov Y., Rogozhnikov E., Abenov R., Demidov A.


The most promising technologies of signal forming and multiple access have been considered from the viewpoint of bandwidth-time resource usage. They include the full duplex technology, subcarrier forming method using a comb filter bank, the non-orthogonal multiple access method, and the sparse code multiple access method. The main existing implementation schemes of full duplex communication based on the analog and digital proper transmitter in the reception channel are described. The filtering multifrequency signal system using a bank of comb filters is considered. The spectrum of such signal is shown to have a much weaker out-of-band radiation as compared to the existing subcarrier forming techniques. The non-orthogonal multiple access method and the sparse code multiple access method are investigated, and relationships of the bit error rates as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio for communications systems based on these methods are presented. It has been shown that the multiple access methods under consideration are more effective in the bandwidth-time resource usage as compared to the existing technologies.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2017;60(7):285-296
pages 285-296 views

Performance of nonlinear detectors in spatial multiplexing for spatially correlated channels

Chauhan D., Bhalani J.


Spatial multiplexing is used in multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless systems to increase the data rate. Some nonlinear detectors, such as minimum mean square error (MMSE) Vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time (VBLAST), Maximum A-Posteriori (MMSE VBLAST MAP), and MMSE Improved VBLAST detectors are used in place of a over more complex detector, such as maximum likelihood detector or singular value decomposition based detector. We have presented simulation results of MIMO symbol error rate versus average SNR for MMSE VBLAST MAP and MMSE Improved VBLAST schemes assuming spatially correlated channels for M-ary QAM. We have observed that the performance of MMSE VBLAST MAP and MMSE Improved VBLAST detectors is almost identical in spatially uncorrelated channels. However, in the case of spatially correlated channels, MMSE Improved VBLAST outperforms MMSE VBLAST MAP. We have also seen that complexity of the Improved VBLAST algorithm is higher than the complexity of VBLAST MAP algorithm.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2017;60(7):297-302
pages 297-302 views

Noise emissions sources direction-finding in the process of their background air threats detection in radars with phased antenna array

Atamanskiy D.


We analyze two options of combined systems for spatial signal processing in radars with phased antenna array, where the detection of noiseless point targets with background noise emissions is accompanied by the direction finding of their sources. In the first option the direction finding of noise emissions is based on the shape analysis of the adaptive radiation pattern of the phased antenna array, formed during the adaptive target finding with background noise emissions. In the second option the bearing angles are determined on the basis of maxima of “spectral functions” of different evaluations of correlation matrix, formed on the basis of input readings. An example how to build such a combined system for spatial signal processing based on general adaptive grid filter is presented. It is shown that the effect of simultaneous target finding in external noise background and direction finding of their sources is achieved by single utilization of the most complex tuning operation of the adaptive grid filter. This operation is same for both of these tasks, and it is easier comparing to solving these two problems separately.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2017;60(7):303-311
pages 303-311 views

Evaporation-condensation cooling systems for electronic equipment

Gershuni A., Nishchik A.


The paper shows that heat pipes with metal-fibrous capillary structures and evaporation-condensation cooling system based on heat pipes are highly efficient means of providing optimal thermal conditions for different electronic instruments and devices. Such cooling system combining the functions of effective heating conduit (equivalent heat conductivity is much higher than the heat conductivity of the best heat-conducting materials) and effective radiator with the possibility of passive heat dissipation is characterized by a high heat transport ability, low thermal resistance, relatively small size and weight, reliable performance at different orientation in space under exposure to mass forces action. The paper presents examples of developed designs and investigations of heat pipes and evaporation-condensation systems with metal-fibrous capillary structures aimed at cooling the different heat generating items of electronic equipment. In this case, special types and designs of systems are discussed. These systems operate under different conditions of heat removal to absorbing medium and feature both a high heat transport ability and specific dielectric properties. In addition, the thermotechnical characteristics of proposed cooling systems are also presented.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2017;60(7):312-318
pages 312-318 views

Simulation of energetic efficiency of triode high voltage glow discharge electron sources with account of temperature of electrons and its mobility in anode plasma

Melnyk I.


The article proposes an iterative technique of calculation of energetic efficiency of triode high voltage glow discharge electron sources’, based on taking into account the influence of heating of anode plasma by the accelerated electrons of electron beam and by the slow secondary discharge electrons, reflected from the anode. The increase of temperature of anode plasma influences its’ volume, as well as the concentration and mobility of ions’ in it. Therefore, the proposed model allows obtaining the corrected values of discharge current and energetic efficiency of electron sources by taking into account the thermodynamic parameters of anode plasma. In addition, one of the advantages of proposed iterative calculation technique is that the model is closed and self-consistent, therefore, it does not demand use of approximated data about the thermodynamic parameters of discharge plasma from references.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2017;60(7):319-329
pages 319-329 views