Tunable FSS simulation using WCIP method for multiband and dual polarized applications



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A novel multiband-operating and dual polarization frequency selective surface (FSS) for radomes applications for radar stealth is proposed. The design is based on an open metallic ring with coupled end strips. The proposed FSS rejects electromagnetic waves at frequencies 9.1, 10.8 and 11.5 GHz simultaneously with bandwidths of 900, 100 and 200 MHz, respectively, when the structure is excited by the x-polarized plane wave, and it rejects at one frequency 7.3 GHz with bandwidth of 1000 MHz, when the structure is excited by the y-polarized plane wave. Frequency tenability is provided by varying the length of the FSS coupled strips and the left edge of vertical U-shaped metallic strip composing the FSS structure. An enhancement of the x-polarized FSS bandwidth from 900 to 1500 MHz and from 200 and 100 to 500 MHz has been achieved. Simulation results obtained by the WCIP method were compared with the simulation results obtained by the COMSOL multiphysics software 4.3b and with the measurements. A good agreement of the results was observed.


A. Djouimaa

University of Batna

Email: awatefdjouimaa@gmail.com
阿尔及利亚, Batna

M. Titaouine

University of Batna; University of Bordj Bou Arreridj

Email: awatefdjouimaa@gmail.com
阿尔及利亚, Batna; Bordj Bou Arreridj

I. Adoui

University of Bordj Bou Arreridj

Email: awatefdjouimaa@gmail.com
阿尔及利亚, Bordj Bou Arreridj

T. de Sousa

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Email: awatefdjouimaa@gmail.com
巴西, João Pessoa

A. Neto

Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Email: awatefdjouimaa@gmail.com
巴西, João Pessoa

H. Baudrand

Université de Toulouse

Email: awatefdjouimaa@gmail.com
法国, Toulouse

版权所有 © Allerton Press, Inc., 2017