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Vol 59, No 9 (2016)


Estimation of the energy spectrums of reflections in pulse Doppler weather radars. Part 2. Extreme performance

Lekhovytskiy D.I., Atamanskiy D.V., Rachkov D.S., Semeniaka A.V.


This is the second paper in a series of papers dedicated to the peculiarities of estimation of the continuous energy spectra of random processes of different nature, which are determined by their samples at discrete moments of time. In this paper we analyze extreme performance of the reconstruction of continuous energy spectra, in particular, the ones of interperiod fluctuations of reflections from meteorological objects in pulse Doppler weather radars under the hypothetical conditions of a priori known covariance matrix of the analyzed processes. The reasons, which cause known disadvantages of classical (nonparametric) spectral estimation (SE) methods for energy spectrums shape reconstruction, are discussed. We have considered known and suggested criteria, using which the extreme performance of classical SE methods and parametric superresolution ones has been quantitatively compared. It has been demonstrated that the extreme performance of SE methods contains important but not comprehensive information. In order to choose a SE method appropriate for operation under real-world conditions, this information should be used together with information on a corresponding method’s adaptive performance under a priori unknown statistical characteristics of input effects.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2016;59(9):379-396
pages 379-396 views

Mathematical model of digital frequency-sampling filters with shiftable phase-frequency characteristic

Shakurskiy M.V., Volovach V.I.


The paper presents mathematical models of digital frequency-sampling filters with shiftable phase-frequency characteristic (PFC) and a generalized mathematical model taking into account the PFC shift introduced at the input. The conducted investigations made it possible to develop a class of narrow-band filters with the possibility of PFC shift and the real-time variation of instantaneous phase of the output signal.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2016;59(9):397-401
pages 397-401 views

Selection of parameters of the ferrite element for pulse UWB receiving antenna

Ogurtsova T.N.


Thetheoretical model of pulse ultrawideband (UWB) receiving antenna consisting of a ferrite element surrounded by a coil of conductor is investigated. The magnetodielectric cylinder of infinite length is selected as the ferrite element. The excitationUWBsignal represents a pulse of electromagnetic field with the envelope in the form of a Gaussian function with high-frequency filling signal. The peculiarities of amplitude-time dependence have been considered for the pulse of induction electromotive force occurring in the closed conducting loop, which surrounds the cylinder, under the assumption of absence of its influence on the scattered fields inside and outside the cylinder. The connection between the electromagnetic parameters of the ferrite element and the frequency-time parameters of the excitation pulse electromagnetic field, which are optimal from the point of view of effective undistorted signal reception, has been determined.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2016;59(9):402-408
pages 402-408 views

Method of image filtering using singular decomposition and the surrogate data technology

Kostenko P.Y., Slobodyanuk V.V., Plahotenko O.V.


A method for nonlinear filtering of additive noise on digital image has been proposed. This method is based on presenting the image by its matrix singular decomposition and applying the surrogate data technology to components of the image. The proposed method ensures a superior resolution as compared to most common methods of window filtering that is corroborated by the results of simulation modeling.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2016;59(9):409-416
pages 409-416 views

Digital generation of wideband chaotic signal with the comb-shaped spectrum for communication systems based on spectral manipulation

Lukin K.A., Zemlyaniy O.V.


An algorithm for the digital generation of broadband chaotic signal with comb-shaped spectrum has been developed on the basis of nonlinear discrete system with delay. The data transmission method using the spectral manipulation technique with digital generation and processing was experimentally implemented. The results obtained can be utilized in the systems of transmitted data security from unauthorized access.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2016;59(9):417-422
pages 417-422 views

Statistical analysis of rain height over Malaysia

Semire F.A., Mohd-Mokhtar R., Adeyemo Z.K.


Rain height is one of the key parameters in rain attenuation prediction. However, few studies on it had been carried out due to unavailability of data especially over tropics. Presented here is the result of eleven years zero degree isotherm height for eight locations over Malaysia. The studies had been carried out over two main seasons in the country (Northeast and Southwest Monsoon). The result shows that rain height is grossly under estimated by ITU-R P. 839-3.

Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 2016;59(9):423-426
pages 423-426 views

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