Methacrylate Redox Systems of Anaerobic Bacteria




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The review analyzes current information about the anaerobic type of respiration using a non-natural methacrylate compound as an electron acceptor. Both the methacrylate redox systems themselves and the anaerobic bacteria in whose cells they are found are considered. These complexes consist of flavin-containing reductase and multiheme cytochrome(s) c3. The genes of the components of the methacrylate redox systems of different microorganisms are homologous and are organized into one operon. Methacrylate-reducing activity is determined in the periplasm. The only known bacterial acrylate reductase that reduces the natural compound differs from methacrylate redox systems. The physiological role, origin, and research perspectives for this unique enzyme system are discussed.


O. Arkhipova

Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 142290, Pushchino


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