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Том 59, № 9 (2016)

General Problems of Metrology and Measurement Technique

The Development of Measurement Systems and their Metrological Support

Danilov A.


The stages in the development of measurement systems, their properties and structure, and terminology and metrological support are discussed.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):899-903
pages 899-903 views


Hardware/Software Complex for Electrophysical Management of CMOS Technology on Test Structures

Popovskikh K., Soldatov V., Oreshkov M.


A combined procedural and hardware complex of electrophysical methods for management of submicrometric CMOS integrated circuit technology is developed and implemented. Programmable switching of the elements of the complex that makes it possible to utilize a mutually complementary measurement technique to obtain information needed to correct the production process is created. The complex includes programs to control the measurement and calculation of required characteristics.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):904-910
pages 904-910 views


Local Physicomechanical Properties of Materials for Use in Calibration of Nanoindentation Instruments

Golovin Y., Tyurin A., Aslanyan E., Pirozhkova T., Vorob’ev M.


Studies of variations in the hardness of representative materials of different classes over broad ranges of loads and depths of indentation are carried out. The usability of these materials is demonstrated and boundaries on the ranges of use of hardness meters produced from these materials for calibration of nanoindentation instruments are established.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):911-915
pages 911-915 views

Test Code Correction of Errors in the Information Storage Devices of Measurement Systems

Pavlov A., Burmistrov A., Tsar’kov A., Korsunskii D., Sorokin D., Neustroev S., Robert I.


A method of test-code correction of RAM errors is proposed. A linear code is used to detect new errors while the identification of hidden errors and the determination of the configuration (erroneous bits) of a multiple error and its correction are performed on the basis of the results of an analysis of a response reaction following a test action.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):923-928
pages 923-928 views

Construction of Data-Measurement Systems for Operational Measurement and Evaluation of the Major Parameters of Oil and Petroleum Products

Hasanzade K.


A theoretical framework for building a data-measurement system that combines adsorption and laser fluorescence spectral measurement methods with estimates of the basic parameters of crude oil is discussed. An internal calibration principle for the spectral absorption system is examined. The duality of this principle is noted and the possibility of using it in laser fluorescence measurement systems is considered.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):939-942
pages 939-942 views

Device for Automated Nondestructive Monitoring of the Porosity of Materials

Mozhegova Y., Marikhov I.


A method for automatic nondestructive monitoring of the porosity of materials is proposed and a device based on this method is constructed. The design and operating principle of the monitoring device are described. The accuracy with which the porosity parameters of materials can be monitored by a gas dynamic method is determined.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):955-958
pages 955-958 views

Thermostating Components for Control of Heat-Transfer Agent Flow

Karavaev I., Shtern Y., Kozhevnikov Y., Rykov V., Shtern M., Degtyarev A.


Electronic thermostating components are developed for automatic control of heat-transfer agent fl ow in heating systems in accordance with a specified program and for regulating the temperature in heated places. Original equipment and programming solutions are proposed for electronic thermostating components and the algorithm for their operation is optimized.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):964-970
pages 964-970 views

Determination of the True Temperature During Selective Laser Melting of Metal Powders Based on Measurements with an Infrared Camera

Smurov I., Dubenskaya M., Zhirnov I., Teleshevskii V.


The recovery of the true temperature of a metal powder during selective laser melting is examined. A method is proposed for determining the temperature of the surface of the melt bath of a metal powder during selective laser melting based on measurements with an infrared camera. The influence of key melt parameters on the geometry of the melt bath is estimated.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):971-974
pages 971-974 views

Development of a Reference Framework for the Measurement of Magnetic Induction of a Constant Field in the Range of Geomagnetic and the Hypo-Geomagnetic Values

Shifrin V., Kalabin V., Belyakov D.


We study the functionality of the standard base in the field of magnetic measurements of the changes in the lower limit of the range of reproduction and transmission of the unit of magnetic induction of a field from 1000 to 10 nT. Methods and hardware implementation of the relevant tasks are based on the expansion of the functionality of the standard three-component measure – comparator means of measuring the magnetic induction of a constant field and the standard helium-cesium magnetometer from the State primary standard for magnetic measurement units GET 12-2011.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):975-978
pages 975-978 views

Features of Constructing a Logical Device for Comparing Systems with a Frequency Phase-Locked Loop

Bubnov A., Gokova M., Chetverik A.


We have developed algorithms for a logic device with enhanced functionality and a variety of structural implementations to compare the frequency and phase of the input pulse signals of frequency phase-locked loops.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):985-989
pages 985-989 views

Relative Error of Measurement of the Polarizability Coefficient of Cells

Generalov K., Generalov V., Kruchinina M., Shuvalov G., Buryak G., Safatov A.


Theoretical analysis of the relative error of measurement of polarizability of cells using the dielectrophoresis method is described. Information about the magnitude of error ensures objective evaluation of the disease dynamics and the effectiveness of treatment.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):1002-1006
pages 1002-1006 views

Analysis of Normative Support for Measurements of Catalytic Activity for Biologically and Chemically Active Substances

Kudeyarov Y., Kulyabina E., Melkova O., Zelenkova M., Pan’kov A.


We analyze the normative and methodological support for measurements of catalytic activity for biological and chemical substances. We consider the results of work by experts at the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC), who have studied optimized conditions for measuring catalytic activity concentration of individual enzymes in human blood serum. We have defined the problem of developing a reference standard for the unit of catalytic activity.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):1007-1012
pages 1007-1012 views

Assurance of the Correctness of the Results of Measurements of Low and Ultra-Low Contents of Components in Natural and Synthetic Substances and Media. Part 1. State of Problem

Shaevich R.


Quantitative determination of microscopic components in natural and synthetic substances and media is complicated by large systematic errors. Traditional methods and procedures of calculating these errors and reducing them are discussed. The need to ensure an acceptable degree of correctness of the results of analysis in the field of low and very low contents is demonstrated.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):1017-1024
pages 1017-1024 views

Measurements in Information Technologies

Development of a Measurement Complex with Intelligent Component

Selezneva M., Neusypin K.


A method of constructing a selective measurement complex with variable structure is investigated. A measurement complex with intelligent component consisting of algorithms for the construction of predictive models and the comparison of a prediction with the current result of measurements is developed for precision determination of the parameters of a dynamic object. The algorithmic support of the complex is constructed on the basis of the Anokhin theory of functional systems with the use of a scalar estimation algorithm, self-organization algorithm with trend back-up, and criterion expressed as the degree of observability of the state variables. Models with elevated degrees of observability of the state variables are used in the information processing algorithms.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):916-922
pages 916-922 views

Linear and Angular Measurements

Digital Photoelectric Raster Comparator

Yanushkin V., Kolyada Y., Krushnyak N.


The possibility of creating comparators for verification of raster grids is considered. A high-precision extremal computing-interpolation photoelectric digital raster system for measurement of linear displacements with high precision, reliability and performance indicators is used as the calibration instrument.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):929-932
pages 929-932 views

Optophysical Measurements

Measurement of the Concentration of Hydrocarbon Molecules by Raman Light Lidar

Privalov V., Shemanin V.


A lidar equation based on the laser line width and the spread function in a Raman lidar in sounding of hydrocarbon molecules in the atmosphere is obtained. The relative error in measurements of the concentration of test molecules is estimated. Isobutane is used as an example of saturated hydrocarbon molecules.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):933-938
pages 933-938 views

Time and Frequency Measurements

Investigation of the Limiting Short-Term Instability of the Output Signal of a Passive Hydrogen Frequency Standard

Vasil’ev V.


The limiting short-term frequency instability of the output signal of a passive hydrogen frequency and time standard is calculated. A technique for experimental measurement of the figure of merit of a quantum discriminator is set forth. The frequency instability of the standard is estimated on the basis of the obtained data. The effect of spectral line splitting of a maser with increasing excitation signal discovered in the course of the study represents an obstacle against achieving any decrease in the instability of the standard.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):943-950
pages 943-950 views

Mechanical Measurements

Vibro-Acoustic Diagnostics of Precision Processing of Parts Made of Refractory Materials by a Ceramic Cutting Tool

Grigor’ev S., Volosova M.


The principles of vibro-acoustic diagnostics of precision working of parts made of refractory materials by a ceramic cutting tool are described. A multi-functional information measuring system for diagnostics of the process is considered. Studies of the sensitivity of the vibration signal to variations that occur in the cutting zone are conducted.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):951-954
pages 951-954 views

Thermal Measurements

Method for Calibrating Temperature Gauges in Digital Aerological Radiosondes

Borovkov A.


A method for calibrating temperature gauges in digital aerological radiosondes is discussed. Calibration error is found to be the main source of error in the temperature gauges for aerological radiosondes manufactured in Russia. It is shown that the calibration error for digital temperatures gauges is considerably smaller when a tabular calibration method is used than for calibration with an analytic function.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):959-963
pages 959-963 views

Radio Measurements

Experimental Study of Field-Effect Transistors in Charge-Discharge Mode of a Substrate Capacitor

Akop’yan V., Karapet’yan G.


We conduct an experimental study of field-effect transistors KP304A in charge-discharge mode of a substrate capacitor in a switching circuit with an additional resistor between the drain–source and the substrate. We propose a method of measuring the power in the resistors and switches using a switching circuit and the digital oscilloscope B-421.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):979-984
pages 979-984 views

Acoustic Measurements

A Non-Contact Multifunctional Ultrasonic Transducer for Measurements and Non-Destructive Testing

Suchkov G., Taranenko Y., Khomyak Y.


We develop an electromagnetic-acoustic transducer which enables the determination of the elastic characteristics of materials and ultrasonic product testing with high reliability of detecting extremely dangerous cracks.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):990-993
pages 990-993 views

Ionizing Radiation Measurements

Formation of the Neutron Energy Spectrum Near the Target of a Portable NG-24M Neutron Generator

Sevast’yanov V., Kovalenko O., Orlov A., Shibaev R., Obudovskii S., Portnov D., Batyunin A., Kashchuk Y.


The spectrum of neutrons near the target of a portable NG-24M neutron generator is measured by the neutron activation method. The recovered neutron spectrum is represented analytically as a superposition of known physically substantiated spectra.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):994-1001
pages 994-1001 views

Physicochemical Measurements

Investigation of Metrological Characteristics of Silver–Silver Chloride Electrodes of GET 54-2011, the State Primary Standard for the pH Activity of Hydrogen Ions in Aqueous Solutions

Dobrovol’skii V., Prokunin S., Morozov I., Glazdov A.


The technique of manufacturing silver–silver chloride electrodes and the method of their subsequent selection for the State Primary Standard of pH activity of hydrogen ions in aqueous solutions are described.

Measurement Techniques. 2016;59(9):1013-1016
pages 1013-1016 views

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