
Development of a technique for molecular typing of Bacillus anthracis strains using new VNTR and INDEL markers
Pechkovskii G., Eremenko E., Ryazanova A., Pisarenko S., Shapakov N., Aksenova L., Semenova O., Timchenko L., Kulichenko A.
Detection and type identification of non-polio enteroviruses in children against the background of acute intestinal infections of various etiologies: 2018–2023
Selivanova S., Zverev V., Ponomareva N., Leonov A., Kashnikov A., Epifanova N., Polyanina A., Novikova N.
Studying the genetic diversity of the varicella-zoster virus in selected regions of the Russian Federation using high-throughput sequencing
Nadtoka M., Lysenkov V., Agletdinov M., Mishkin A., Afonina N., Ploskireva A., Mikheeva I., Khafizov K., Akimkin V.
Genetic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of human norovirus infection in individual municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region in 2022
Bykov R., Scriabina S., Kilyachina A., Itani T., Chalapa V., Starikova P., Koltunov S., Ponomareva A., Semenov A.
Virulence determinants and genotypes of Helicobacter pylori clinical isolates
Svarval A., Starkova D., Ferman R.
Development of a methodology for molecular genetic monitoring for the cholera causative agent
Vodopyanov A., Vodopyanov S., Pisanov R., Oleynikov I., Noskov A.
Development of a method for molecular subtyping Bacillus anthracis using HRM PCR
Pechkovskii G., Eremenko E., Ryazanova A., Pisarenko S., Shapakov N., Aksenova L., Semenova O., Timchenko L., Kulichenko A.
Outcomes of the multicenter monitoring of the causative agent of invasive listeriosis in the metropolis
Voronina O., Ryzhova N., Kunda M., Aksenova E., Karpova T., Melkumyan A., Klimova E., Karetkina G., Posukhovsky E., Gruzdeva O., Tartakovsky I.
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