Investigation of the features of superconducting spin valve based on Fe/Nb




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We studied new structures of superconducting spin valves of Fe2/Nb/Fe1/CoOx and Fe2/Al2O3/Nb/Al2O3/Fe1/CoOx designs. The operation of these structures is built beyond the classical superconductor/ferromagnet proximity effect. The superconductor/ferromagnet interface in these structures is separated by an additional insulating layer. According to the results of our studies, the Fe2/Al2O3/Nb/Al2O3/Fe1/CoOx structures are the most promising structures for further research.


A. Kamashev

Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 420029, Kazan

A. Validov

Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 420029, Kazan

N. Garif’yanov

Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 420029, Kazan

I. Garifullin

Zavoisky Physical-Technical Institute, FRC Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 420029, Kazan


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版权所有 © А.А. Камашев, А.А. Валидов, Н.Н. Гарифьянов, И.А. Гарифуллин, 2023
