Dusty Plasmas in the Vicinity of the Moon: Current Research and New Vistas



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A brief review of recent studies on dusty plasma above the lunar surface at the Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences is presented. The research is related to the future Luna-25 and Luna-27 missions, which will study the properties of dust and dusty plasma above the lunar surface. The problems of formation of dusty plasma over the illuminated part of the Moon, in the region of the lunar terminator, the influence of magnetic fields on the circumlunar dusty plasma, and the influence on the results of measurements of the spacecraft landing module are considered. Unsolved problems concerning the study of the near-lunar dusty plasma are formulated.

Sobre autores

S. Popel

Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: popel@iki.rssi.ru
Moscow, Russia

A. Zakharov

Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: popel@iki.rssi.ru
117997, Moscow, Russia

L. Zelenyi

Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: popel@iki.rssi.ru
Moscow, Russia


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Declaração de direitos autorais © С.И. Попель, А.В. Захаров, Л.М. Зеленый, 2023

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