
Demyelinating optic neuritis: Optical coherence tomography and multifocal electroretinography data correlation
Neroev V., Eliseeva E., Zueva M., Lysenko V., Zakharova M., Tsapenko I., Semenova N., Simaniv T.
Study of the relationship between eye movements and the geometry of fovea
Lamminpiya A., Moiseenko G., Vakhrameeva O., Sukhinin M., Shelepin Y.
EEG Correlates of Passive Hand Movement in Patients after Traumatic Brain Injury with Preserved fMRI Motor Response
Sharova E., Boldyreva G., Lysachev D., Kulikov M., Zhavoronkova L., Chelyapina-Postnikova M., Popov V., Troshina E., Aleksandrova E., Smirnov A., Skoryatina I.
Cortical functional connectivity during the retention of affective pictures in working memory: EEG-source theta coherence analysis
Machinskaya R., Rozovskaya R., Kurgansky A., Pechenkova E.
Intracortical Connections in Dual Tasks Including Motor and Computing–Logical or Spatial–Visual Components
Zhavoronkova L., Shevtsova T., Moraresku S., Pozdneev A., Kuptsova S.
Analysis of the Reactive Patterns of EEGs under Atrial Fibrillation
Dick O., Svyatogor I., Nozdrachev A., Guseva N.
Changes in the Spatial Organization of Brain Activity after Combined Antidepressive Therapy Including Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Damyanovich E., Iznak E., Oleichik I., Medvedeva T., Iznak A.
The Relationship between Visuospatial Impairments and Retinal and Cortical Thickness in Parkinson’s Disease
Litvinenko I., Boyko E., Kulikov A., Dynin P., Trufanov A., Mal’tsev D., Yurin A.
Voluntary regulation of the functional state and its influence on the effectiveness of cognitive activity during adolescence
Gorev A.
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