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Том 43, № 8 (2017)


Venous Thrombogenesis and Functional State of the Hemorheology and Hemostasis System in Stroke Patients

Ryabinkina Y., Piradov M., Tanashyan M., Shabalina A., Kostyreva M.


Investigation of the hemorheology and hemostasis system in patients with stroke of various types, location, and severity as well as with and without venous thromboembolic complications (VTECs), who were treated at critical and intensive care units, demonstrated the significance of impairments in the hemorheology and hemostasis system for VTEC pathogenesis in stroke patients. Despite ongoing anticoagulant therapy, aggravation of the prothrombogenic state was observed in VTEC patients. Ischemic stroke was associated with more severe changes compared to hemorrhagic stroke. Hemostasiological predictors of VTEC were identified. In patients without VTEC, both the coagulation and anticoagulation systems as well as the fibrinolysis system were preserved. The D-dimer and thrombophilia markers, such as hyperhomocysteinemia and antiphospholipid syndrome, were shown not to contribute to the development of VTEC in stroke patients.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):847-854
pages 847-854 views

Virtual Reality as an upper Limb Rehabilitation Approach

Khizhnikova A., Klochkov A., Kotov-Smolenskiy A., Suponeva N., Chernikova L.


Cerebrovascular diseases seriously reduce the quality of life of patients. One of the priority tasks of restoring individual independency, daily living and social activity of patients is to restore basic motor skills such as the reaching, manipulating, and bimanual tasks an coordination. For successful recovery of movement necessary to conduct training in real environment, active participation of the patient, and interactive biofeedback that allows the patient to control the correct performance of motor tasks and adjust their own efforts. Evolution of computer technology gives an opportunity to improve the classical approaches in stroke rehabilitation. To make rehabilitation process met necessary terms, in everyday practice often used high technological devices, such as virtual reality (VR) systems. The technical basis of VR is an artificial three-dimensional environment that is created with computer and displayed on the screen. These technologies allow recreating the necessary training environment for motor skills relearning, as well as to provide interactive biofeedback and make rehabilitation process more intensive. This review present an information about history of VR technology developments, experience of upper limb rehabilitation using VR systems and comparative analysis of different VR based rehabilitation approaches.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):855-862
pages 855-862 views

The Relationship between Visuospatial Impairments and Retinal and Cortical Thickness in Parkinson’s Disease

Litvinenko I., Boyko E., Kulikov A., Dynin P., Trufanov A., Mal’tsev D., Yurin A.


The paper touches upon current views on the pathophysiology of visuospatial impairments in Parkinson’s disease (PD). To assess thickness of retina’s ganglionic layer, retinal nerve fiber layer, and macular map, optical coherence tomography method was used. Brain MRI was also performed followed by evaluation of the cortical thickness. Patients underwent neuropsychological tests, including those for assessment of visuospatial perception and cognitive functions. We found certain retinal regions and areas of visual cortex with significant changes in PD patients on different stages. Our findings allowed us to speculate on the role of changes in the peripheral and central structures of the visual sensory system in the pathophysiology of visuospatial impairments in PD.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):863-869
pages 863-869 views

Dystonic Camptocormia: Clinical Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment Results

Likhachev S., Chernukha T., Zabrodets G., Gleb O., Alekseevets V., Terekhov V.


This study was aimed at assessing clinical features of camptocormia as one of the dystonia symptoms and evaluating the efficacy of various treatments for this condition. The study involved 39 patients with dystonia and camptocormia symptoms. We analyzed the clinical features of dystonic camptocormia and evaluated the results of pharmacotherapy and botulinum therapy as well as neuromodulation methods, namely transcranial magnetic stimulation and deep brain stimulation. A phased and integrated approach was shown to be required for managing patients with camptocormia caused by dystonic hyperkinesis. Local botulinum toxin injections and deep brain stimulation are the most effective treatments. More extensive use of low-frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation may be advisable for everyday practical use in patients with dystonic camptocormia.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):870-874
pages 870-874 views

Antibodies against Myelin Lipids in Multiple Sclerosis

Ivanova M., Zakharova M.


Development of immunopathological responses in the central nervous system (CNS) is one of the key events in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Humoral immune responses with formation of antibodies against the components of the myelin sheath play an important role. However, the targets for antibodies, their contribution to the development of pathologic process, and stages of the disease where they play the most important role are still not quite clear. In this study, we investigated the frequency of detection of antibodies against myelin glycolipids in MS and their relationship with clinical features of the disease. The results of the study showed that patients with MS demonstrate a trend towards more frequent detection of antibodies against glycolipids and sulfatide in blood serum, being especially pronounced in patients with secondary progressive course. Antibodies against GM1 ganglioside were detected significantly more frequently in patients with secondary progressive MS as compared to patients with remitting course and healthy volunteers. These results are indicative of the fact that antibodies to lipids may participate in the development of demyelinating and neurodegenerative processes in MS and be the markers of disease progression. Further development of the concept of the mechanisms of humoral response to myelin lipids in MS and identification of the most significant antibody targets will facilitate the development of new approaches to prediction of disease course and discovery of new targets for immunomodulating therapy.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):875-880
pages 875-880 views

Transplantation of Neuronal Precursors Derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into the Striatum of Rats with the Toxin-induced Model of Huntington’s Disease

Stavrovskaya A., Yamshchikova N., Ol’shanskiy A., Konovalova E., Illarioshkin S.


Introduction. Huntington’s disease (HD) is a severe neurodegenerative disorder characterized by choreic hyperkinesis, cognitive decline, behavioral disorders, and progressive neuronal death, mostly in the striatum. Since HD is a fatal disorder, searching for efficient treatment methods, including those based on cell replacement therapy, is quite relevant. The experimental models of HD are used increasingly often. The objective of the study was to assess effectiveness and safety of transplantation of neuronal precursors differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from a healthy donor into the striatum of rats with 3-NPAinduced HD model. Materials and methods. We studied the influence of neurotransplantation on the behavioral effects in rats with HD model induced by intrastriatal injection of 3-nitropropiotic acid (3-NPA). In the study group of animals (n = 11), human neuronal precursors derived from iPSCs of a healthy volunteer were transplanted into the caudate nuclei (5 × 105 per 5 μL of normal saline solution bilaterally); the control group of animals (n = 10) received normal saline solution. The animals were tested using the ANY-maze video tracking system; the parameters of the open-field test and the conditioned avoidance response test were evaluated. Results. An analysis of behavioral effects after transplantation demonstrated that introduction of neuronal iPSC derivatives into the caudate nuclei of rats with induced HD model was accompanied by recovery of locomotor activity of the animals (horizontal and vertical), as opposed to the control group. It was found when testing the reproducibility of the conditioned avoidance responses that the conditioned avoidance responses in control animals were weakened, whereas intrastriatal transplantation of neurons abruptly increased the latency of moving into the dark compartment of the chamber in the conditioned avoidance response test. Conclusions. The pilot experiment using the HD model showed that neurotransplantation using iPSC derivatives recovers the reduced locomotor activity in rats and improves memory trace keeping, which contributes to correction of locomotor and cognitive disorders induced by 3-NPA neurotoxin.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):881-885
pages 881-885 views

The Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Individual Predisposition to Ischemic Stroke

Korchagin V., Raskurazhev A., Shipulin G., Platonov A., Tanashyan M., Illarioshkin S., Maksimova M., Dribnokhodova O., Mironov K., Piradov M.


Intensive development of DNA analysis technologies and large-scale genome-wide association studies have led to accumulation of a large array of data on the relationship between genetic factors and various phenotypic manifestations, including monogenic and polygenic hereditary diseases. This has greatly extended the capabilities of clinical diagnostics and predictive medicine in the field of socially significant diseases. For example, the role of a genetic component of the risk for such multifactorial and polyetiologic disease as stroke is now actively explored. Large-scale studies have revealed both general and specific genetic markers associated only with a certain type and subtype of stroke. This review analyzes the current state of the problem of using genetic markers for diagnosis of predisposition to stroke, complex issues associated with multiplicity of risk factors for stroke, and potential development in this area.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):886-897
pages 886-897 views

Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Vanishing White Matter

Rudenskaya G., Zakharova E.


Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter (LEVWM) is one of the most common hereditary leukoencephalopathies with characteristic MRI picture of diffuse white matter lesions with cystic degeneration. The disease is associated with EIF2B1-5 genes, encoding five subunits of translation initiation factor EIF2B. There are infantile, Childhood (the most frequent one), and adult-onset forms. Adult-onset LEVWM accounts for 15–20% of all cases and is characterized by significant clinical variability. In addition to neurological and cognitive disorders, this disease is characterized by ovarian failure. The review presents the clinical and molecular genetic aspects of adult-onset LEVWM.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):898-903
pages 898-903 views

Aspirin Resistance: Clinical and Molecular Genetic Evaluation Techniques

Tanashyan M., Domashenko M., Raskurazhev A.


The article discusses the issues related to the personalization of preventive measures for ischemic stroke, in particular those associated with resistance to one of the most common antiplatelet drugs, aspirin. A brief historical note on investigation of acetylsalicylic acid is provided. The paper addresses the issue of etiological factors and epidemiology of aspirin resistance. An analysis and comparison of various techniques for evaluation of this phenomenon are performed. Separately, a molecular genetic aspect of the pathology is considered. In conclusion, the recommendations for overcoming tolerance to aspirin therapy are provided.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):904-909
pages 904-909 views

New Opportunities of Endovascular Recanalization Techniques in the Management of Ischemic Stroke

Kutlubaev M., Akhmadeeva L.


Currently, there are a limited number of treatments for ischemic stroke. Intravenous thrombolytic therapy is the most effective method. However, its efficacy is very low in the case of stroke caused by occlusion of large intracranial arteries. Previous studies of endovascular recanalization techniques in the treatment of stroke, particularly randomized controlled trials (RCTs), such as IMS-3, SYNTHESIS Expansion, and MR RESCUE, have shown negative results. The results of other RCTs (MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, EXTENDIA, SWIFT PRIME, and REVASCAT) published in 2015 demonstrated that, in the case of careful selection of patients with verified occlusion of large intracranial arteries, endovascular recanalization significantly improves stroke outcomes.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):910-915
pages 910-915 views

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound in Functional Neurosurgery

Tyurnikov V., Gushcha A.


Stereotactic functional neurosurgical interventions for basal ganglia are an important method for treating pain, obsessive–compulsive, movement and depressive disorders. These interventions include destructive surgeries and deep brain stimulation through implanted electrodes. Destructive surgeries have a number of serious limitations, since they are associated with a higher risk of complications, especially in case of bilateral interventions. High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a novel noninvasive approach proposed for destruction of a certain target point in the brain. We discuss the technical foundations of HIFU, thoroughly analyze the advantages and drawbacks of the method compared to other methods of modern functional neurosurgery, and summarize the first results of using HIFU in the world’s leading clinics. Further accumulation of experience is needed to perform a well-considered analysis of the potential of HIFU and to assess the long-term effects of the interventions performed and the role of this procedure in the algorithms for treating various nervous system diseases.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):916-921
pages 916-921 views

Status of Acute Symptomatic Seizures in a Female Patient with Thyrotoxicosis: Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy. A Case Report

Tokareva Y., Kotov A., Semenova E., Eliseev Y., Romanova M., Alakova M., Misnikova I., Komerdus I.


Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is an autoimmune disease associated with a significant increase in the titer of autoantibodies to thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin and is characterized by inflammatory and degenerative brain disorders. We report a clinical case of the recurrent status of acute symptomatic seizures in a female patient with Hashimoto’s encephalopathy.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):922-926
pages 922-926 views

Psychogenic Dystonia

Shavlovskaya O., Baidauletova A.


Psychogenic movement disorders pose a complex problem in modern neurology, which requires an interdisciplinary approach to solve a number of questions related to classification, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. The most frequent forms of psychogenic movement disorders include tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, and gait abnormality. A clinical case of a 46-year-old male patient with a psychogenic movement disorder presenting as fixed hand dystonia not accompanied by pain is reported. The terminology issues related to the most accurate determination of this type of hyperkinesis, as well as clinical tests (standard motor-skill tasks, ballpoint pen writing) that allow one to identify the psychogenic nature of hyperkinesis, are discussed using the example provided. The clinical phenomenology of psychogenic dystonia is thoroughly analyzed, and the differential diagnostic criteria of psychogenic and primary (idiopathic) dystonia are presented.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(8):927-931
pages 927-931 views

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