Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 43, № 6 (2017)


Effects of Acoustic Context on the Perceptual Differences between Spatial Sound Stimuli

Shestopalova L., Petropavlovskaya E., Semenova V., Nikitin N., Vaitulevich S.


We studied the effects of the acoustic context on active and passive discrimination of moving sound signals. Different contexts were created by reversing the role of standard and deviant stimuli in the oddball blocks, while their acoustical features were kept the same. Three types of sounds were used as standard or deviant stimuli in different blocks: stationary midline noises and two (smooth and abrupt) moving sounds moving to the left or right of the midline. Auditory event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during passive listening (the sound stimulation ignored), and mismatch negativity potentials (MMNs) were obtained. Active discrimination of sound movements was measured by the hit rate (percent correct responses) and false alarm rate, as well as the reaction time. The influence of the stimulus context on active and passive discrimination of the moving sound stimuli was reflected in the phenomenon known as the effect of deviance direction. The hit rate and MMN amplitude were higher when the deviant moved faster than the standard. The MMN amplitude was more responsive to the velocity of sound stimuli than the hit rate and false alarm rate. The psychophysical measurements in the reversed contexts suggest that smooth and abrupt sound movements may belong to the same perceptual category (moving sounds), while the stationary stimuli form another perceptual category.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):607-616
pages 607-616 views

Wavelet-synchrony of Brain Evoked Responses during Listening to Naturalistic Stimuli in the Prognosis of Consciousness Recovery (Study 1: Wavelet-synchrony during Listening to Instrumental Music)

Oknina L., Sharova E., Zaitsev O.


The features and prognostic value of wavelet-synchrony of evoked responses during the listening to realistic stimuli (music) were revealed in the study. Musical passages were selected according the patients’ preferences by their relations consultation. Wavelet-connections were calculated for each melody in the range from 0 to 1000 ms from stimuli. Total 22 examinees in 12 patients being in unconsciousness state were carried out. Resting state values of wavelet-connectivity were poorer in vegetative patients in comparison to healthy subjects regardless of consciousness recovery degree in future while wavelet-connections in mutism were higher in comparison to healthy subjects. Absolute value of wavelet-synchrony was lower than in norm. In patients with compete consciousness recovery in the future the maximal values of wavelet-synchrony were revealed in the temporal-occipital area while in patients who in the future have been revealed in the lesser degree the maximal values of wavelet-synchrony are shown in frontal-central areas. In chronic unconsciousness patients during the listening to instrumental music the maximal wavelet-connections values were determined in the right frontal area.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):617-624
pages 617-624 views

Analysis of Visual Cognitive Impairments in Schizophrenia at the Early Stages of the Disease and Their Correction by Interactive Virtual Environment

Muraveva S., Pronina M., Moiseenko G., Pnevskaya A., Polyakov Y., Kropotov Y., Pronin S., Shelepin E., Shelepin Y.


The paper describes the results of studies aimed at evaluating the effect of interactive virtual environments on the visual system, including the magno-and parvo-systems. Analysis was conducted in patients diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia diagnosed from one to five years ago. Comparative analysis of visual evoked potentials during the perception of images that differed in their semantic (animate/inanimate) and physical characteristics (filtration images at high/low spatial frequencies) was used for the assessment of the impact of virtual environments. The images of objects were filtered via digital filtration for selective effect on the magno-and parvo-channels of the visual system. To evaluate the function of visual perception, the measurement of contrast sensitivity using Gabor elements was used. At the early stages of schizophrenia, the patients exhibited a decrease in the amplitudes of the components of cognitive visual evoked potentials to stimuli filtered at high spatial frequencies and reduced contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies. The effect of virtual environments on the visual system resulted in a significant increase in the amplitude of the cognitive components of visual evoked potentials in the paradigm of presentation of images filtered at the high spatial frequencies, which allows the conclusion about a stimulating effect of the virtual environment on the parvo-system functioning. The activation of the magno-system occurred to a lesser extent. The present study represents the findings obtained by the studies of cognitive impairments in schizophrenia and the methods of their correction conducted at the Laboratory of Physiology of Vision of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Action Programming of the Bechtereva Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):625-636
pages 625-636 views

Coupling of the β Rhythm and Slow Electric Activity of the Cerebral Cortex during the Performance of Go/NoGo Tasks and the Identification of the Facial Expression

Yakovenko I., Cheremushkin E., Kozlov M.


We investigated the interaction of β-rhythm parameters with α and θ rhythms in a paradigm of cognitive set as a response on facial expression in 35 healthy adults. Data were analyzed by means of continuous wavelet transform on the basis of “maternal” complex Morlet-wavelet in a range of 1–35 Hz. Distribution cards of the values of the wavelet-transform coefficient (WLC) module characterizing potentials amplitude were analyzed. We used indicators of the mean and maximal WLC levels. A significant interaction between β2 and α rhythms at the mean WLC level at the stage of set formation was revealed in a group with rigid set, and a correlation coefficient was 0.57. The interaction between β2 and θ rhythms at the mean WLC level (correlation coefficient was 0.74) and WLC maximum (correlation coefficient was 0.8) at the same experimental stage in the group with the flexible set was found.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):637-643
pages 637-643 views

Gender Differences in Spontaneous and Evoked Activities of the Human Brain

Aslanyan E., Kiroy V., Bakhtin O., Minyaeva N., Lazurenko D., Tambiev A.


The purpose of this study was to analyze sex-related differences in spontaneous and evoked brain activity. The study included 11 women and 10 men aged between 18 and 27 years; the subjects were adapted to the conditions of electrophysiological experiment. Differences in spontaneous activity were estimated by EEG spectral characteristics in frequency ranges corresponding to θ, α, β1, β2, γ1, and γ2 rhythms at rest with the eyes open and closed. The differences in evoked activity were estimated by the parameters of evoked potentials (EP) recorded upon the presentation of different types of stimuli (images and words) and categories (“fruits” and “vessels”). Behavioral differences were estimated by the efficiency of stimuli recognition. No gender differences were observed in the efficiency of stimuli recognition (number of errors, time of reaction). In the EEG of male subjects at rest, fast frequencies (β and γ) were less marked than in the female subjects, which may indicate a higher level of activation of CNS structures in women. Regardless of stimuli type and category, the amplitude of EP components in men is lower than that in women, which may be caused by lower level of CNS activation. However, the difference in the latency of EP components depended on the type of stimuli used. During the recognition of visual images, the latency of earlier EP components (N1, P2) in men was longer mostly on back and/or right electrodes. The latencies of the later EP components (P3, N3) in male subjects were longer on the back electrodes and shorter on the front electrodes than those in female ones. During the recognition of words, the latency of P1, N1, P2 and N2 components in men were shorter on temporal and temporoparietal electrodes of the left hemisphere. This may indicate that visual image in men are perceived slower but comprehended faster than in women. On the other hand, verbal stimuli in men were perceived faster but comprehended slower than in women.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):644-652
pages 644-652 views

Pulsometric Analysis of the Functional State of Cardiovascular System in Humans

Nesterov V., Burdygin A., Nesterov S.


Application of the method of arterial piezopulsometry to studying the individual characteristics of the functional state of the cardiovascular system (CVS) in patients of different ages and health states is discussed. Development of a new algorithm for the two-channel simultaneous analysis of the parameters of blood pressure pulse wave plots recorded by two piezoelectric transducers has allowed us to perform a comparative analysis of cardiohemodynamics in different arteries, as well as to evaluate the elasticity of their walls and the nature of the autonomic regulation of CVS effectors with high accuracy. This comprehensive analysis enhances the predictive value of early pulsometric diagnostics of the individual functional state of CVS in humans.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):653-661
pages 653-661 views

Correlation between Acoustic Characteristics of Forced Expiratory Tracheal Noises and Lung Function Parameters in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Obstructive Lung Diseases

Malaeva V., Pochekutova I., Kostiv A., Shin S., Korenbaum V.


The correlations between acoustic characteristics and lung function parameters measured by body plethysmography were revealed when analyzing the sample of 230 subjects consisting of subgroups of healthy subjects, subjects with risk factors, and patients with obstructive lung diseases. Multidirectional character of the correlations between acoustic characteristics of forced expiratory tracheal sounds and parameters measured by body plethysmography/spirometry was established in subgroups of healthy subjects, asthma patients with spirometrically confirmed and unconfirmed obstructive changes, and patients with chronic pulmonary disease.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):662-669
pages 662-669 views

Blood Pressure Measurement under Within-Visit Conditions in Normotensive Volunteers

Grishin O., Zinchenko M., Gultyaeva V., Uryumtsev D., Grishin V.


The dynamics of mean values and blood pressure (BP) variability were studied under within-visit conditions in normotensive subjects. The study involved 104 volunteers aged 20 to 65 years (46 men and 58 women) without the history of hypertension. Nine repeated BP measurements were performed within 35 min in a summer period to determine the final time for the BP decrease, i.e., for the “stabilization” of BP within one visit, and the within-visit BP variability (WVV) expressed as the standard deviation (SD) and the coefficient of variation (CV). The tenth measurement of BP was conducted to assess the effect of physical activity after a 5-min walk followed by a 5-min seated position. In order to study the effect of seasons on the BP variation, 32 volunteers were examined in winter (January–February) and in summer (June–July) of the same year. The within-visit BP in normotensive subjects was characterized by two aspects. The first one associated with a decrease in systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), on average, by 7 mmHg and up to 2 mmHg, respectively, ended by the 25th minute and was followed by the period of conventional stabilization in mean values. The following two periods were observed in the SBP decrease: a 5-min rapid decrease (1 mmHg/min) and a 20-min slow decrease (0.1 mmHg/min). The dynamics of mean SBP values depended on gender and age. The second aspect is the individual SBP variability, which continued against the stabilization of mean values. The CV of 35-min SBP reached, on average, 4% and was higher in women compared with men. SD was higher in the older age group. The maximum variability was observed within the first 5 min under the investigation. Then, in the periods of slow decrease and stabilization, the variability did not change significantly (not exceeding 3%, on average), despite a significant decrease in the mean SBP values. During a rapid SBP decrease neither of variability indices depended on gender or age. The SD of SBP during the slow decrease and stabilization was higher in the older female group than in the young women, not differing in men of both age categories. After 5 min of rest in a seated position, the consequences of walking for BP were insignificant in normotensive subjects. The dynamics of SBP did not differ in summer and winter of the same year.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):670-677
pages 670-677 views

The Functional State of Athletes Addicted to Exercises during Exercise Deprivation

Krivoschekov S., Lushnikov O.


The objective of this study is to identify markers of the addictive condition developing in athletes during exercise deprivation by analyzing electroencephalograms (EEGs), electromyograms (EMGs), skin temperature measurements, sympathetic nervous system activity, levels of anxiety and depression (by psychological tests). A cohort of professional football players (N = 50) voluntarily participated in the study. The athletes were tested under two test conditions: during active training sessions and during exercise deprivation (for seven days). The analyzed results have shown that the functional state of athletes with exercise addiction (due to exercise deprivation), compared with athletes showing no addictive behavior, was characterized by lower brain bioelectric activity (a decrease in the α-rhythm amplitude and power), growth in the muscular tension, increased sympathetic activity, and elevated levels of anxiety and depression. We have concluded that an athlete’s functional state during exercise deprivation is an important predictor for exercise dependence. A prolonged exercise deprivation causes intense psychophysiological changes in the body of athletes inclined to exercise addiction. The obtained results may be useful for experts in the field of sports medicine, as well as for further studies in different types of addictions.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):678-685
pages 678-685 views

Bone Mineral Density and Molecular Genetic Markers of Bone Remodeling in Blood of Cosmonauts after Long-term Missions on Board the International Space Station

Novikov V., Rykova M., Antropova E., Berendeeva T., Kalinin S., Vassilieva G., Ponomarev S.


The results of the investigation of the bone system of 24 Russian cosmonauts after long-term (124–199 days) missions on board the International space station (ISS) are presented. Functional adaptation of the bone system involves some complex changes in the metabolic activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, such as alterations of the serum concentrations of osteocalcin, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), osteoprotegerin, and the activator ligand of the receptor of nuclear factor kappa-B (RANKL); in addition, in peripheral blood leucocytes, there are changes in the expression of genes regulating the development of skeletal system and bone mineral metabolism. Significant variability in the mineral density of femoral neck and molecular genetic markers studied after long-term space flights indicates individual variability of the balance of the processes of bone remodeling, bone formation and resorption. Significant bone mass losses in the femoral bone of cosmonauts are associated with more pronounced changes in the markers of metabolic activity of osteoclasts.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):686-692
pages 686-692 views

Functional Changes in Blood Microcirculation in the Skin of the Foot during Heating Tests in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Filina M., Potapova E., Makovik I., Zharkih E., Dremin V., Zherebtsov E., Dunaev A., Sidorov V., Krupatkin A., Alimicheva E., Masalygina G., Muradyan V.


The paper shows the possibility of using the laser Doppler flowmetry method for the assessment of system of blood microcirculation in the lower limbs of patients with diabetes mellitus. A series of experimental studies involving 76 patients with diabetes mellitus and 46 healthy volunteers was carried out. The state of peripheral blood flow was assessed during the local heating tests with different temperature regimes. The wavelet analysis of LDF-grams was used to evaluate the adaptive changes of microcirculation during the temperature tests. The data show that the proposed methodology in the form of heating tests and the use of the wavelet transform in the analysis of LDF-grams allows the evaluation of adaptation processes in the microcirculatory bed during thermal tests and the detection of the preclinical stage of trophic disorders.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):693-699
pages 693-699 views

Analysis of Serum Insulin, Cortisol, and Glucose Levels in the Settlement Inhabitants of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Poteryaeva O., Osipova L., Russkikh G., Biushkina N., Rozumenko A., Churkina T., Zubova A., Goltsova T., Polyakov L.


We studied the concentrations of insulin, cortisol and glucose in blood serum of two groups of inhabitants of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous okrug (YaNAO) settlements (indigenous population and those who arrived from Central Russia). The insulin level in all groups (in indigenous and non-native population, men and women) was above 9.0 μIU/mL. The insulin level in non-native women and men was higher than that in the indigenous people by 19% and 26%, respectively. The tendency of increasing insulin level with age was revealed in both the indigenous and non-native inhabitants. The highest level of insulin and glucose was observed in Samburg and Kharampur settlements; the lowest, in Gyda settlement. The cortisol level was higher in men than in women. The reduced cortisol/insulin index was observed in both groups of men. A most significant decrease in the cortisol/insulin index and an increase in HOMA–IR index were observed in nonnative men and women as compared with indigenous population. These data confirm the likelihood of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the YaNAO population, especially among non-native inhabitants.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):700-704
pages 700-704 views

Role of Kisspeptin and Leptin in the Development of Immune Reactivity during Pregnancy

Shirshev S., Gorbunova O., Orlova E.


The effects of kisspeptin, an important regulator of reproductive function, and leptin, a classical metabolic hormone, on the formation of inducible regulatory T cells (iTreg) and T helper cells that produce interleukin 17 (Th17), as well as on the activity of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) have been studied. Both hormones are actively produced by the placenta and involved in the formation of a new hormonal profile during pregnancy. It was found that kisspeptin at concentrations typical for trimesters I–III of pregnancy stimulates the formation of iTreg and simultaneously inhibit Th17 induction. Regardless of the used concentration, kisspeptin increases the secretion of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and reduces the production of IL-17A in CD4+ T lymphocytes in women. At the same time leptin at physiological concentrations typical for pregnancy has the opposite effect, inhibiting the formation of iTreg without affecting the production of IL-10 in cultures of CD4+T lymphocytes and simultaneous stimulating the induction of Th17 and production of IL-17A in CD4+T lymphocytes. At the concentration corresponding to trimesters II–III of pregnancy both hormones significantly enhance lipopolysaccharide-induced activity of IDO in monocytes.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):705-710
pages 705-710 views

The Role of Pro- and Antioxidant Systems in the Development of Placental Dysfunction in Human Pregnancy

Prokopenko V., Pavlova N.


The pro-and antioxidant systems of the human placenta have been studied in its central and peripheral areas in the state of dysfunction. It has been shown that the intensity of free-radical oxidation (FRO) is 24% higher (p < 0.05) in mitochondria isolated from peripheral placental areas in the case of preterm termination of pregnancy than in placental mitochondria of women with normal pregnancy ending in delivery on due dates. The values of total antioxidant activity in mitochondria isolated from the central and peripheral areas of placentae of women with preterm labor exceeded 1.5-and 1.8-fold the respective values for the placental mitochondria of women with the normal duration of pregnancy. The rate of glutathione peroxidase activity in placental mitochondria of women with preterm labor was lower than in patients with normal duration of pregnancy terminated on due dates. Higher values of intensity of both the FRO processes and the active components of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) were recorded (higher by 42% and 62%, respectively) in the postmitochondrial fraction in the peripheral area of placentae of women with spontaneous termination of pregnancy, compared with the placentae of women with uncomplicated duration of pregnancy with labor on due date. No differences have been observed in the intensity of oxidative modification of placental proteins in both the periphery and the center in the placentae of women from the studied groups. The rate of glutathione peroxidase activity in the placenta of women with spontaneous termination of pregnancy was more than twice as high as the activity of this enzyme during the first trimester of normal pregnancy and remained high during the second and third trimesters. The activity of the enzyme did not depend on its localization (center or periphery) in placentae of women participating in the study. The values of glutathione transferase activity in the placentae increased in the course of normal pregnancy but remained at the level of the first trimester in the central and peripheral areas in the case of a miscarriage at different gestational terms. Our findings allow us to suggest that oxidative stress developing in placenta from its center to periphery plays a key role in the pathogenesis of placental dysfunction, mainly, due to the glutathione-dependent component of the placental antioxidant defense.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):711-718
pages 711-718 views


Method to Estimate Activity of Subcutaneous Thermogenic Structures on Exposure to Stimuli of Different Modalities

Kozlov A., Sonkin V., Yakushkin A.


A method to estimate activity of subcutaneous thermogenic structures was developed on the basis of dynamical infrared thermography. The gist is comparing the dynamics of skin temperature changes for different body sites on exposure to factors evoking metabolic responses. The method can be used for investigating the mechanisms of changes in body temperature in response to various disturbing factors and, in certain cases, can help to differentiate metabolic and vascular responses.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):719-728
pages 719-728 views


Blood Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Various Populations of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus: A Systematic Review with Elements of Meta-analysis

Kozlov A., Vershubsky G.


We analyzed published data on the serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D in healthy subjects in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (lat. 45°–65° N). The primary list included 158 publications. Reports with insufficient sample size and incomplete statistical descriptions were excluded from the analysis. The review covers 41 publications comprising 8569 individual assessments. The meta-analysis showed that the average levels of 25(OH)D were the highest among children under the age of 5 years, varied slightly between the age of 6 and 60 years, and decreased in older adults (60+). Gender differences become apparent at the postpuberty stage. The level of 25(OH)D was higher in men. No correlation between the level of 25(OH)D and latitude was found, but the relationship with the season and the duration of daylight was significant. No differences were revealed between ethnic and social groups.

Human Physiology. 2017;43(6):729-740
pages 729-740 views

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