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卷 45, 编号 6 (2019)


A Method for Aircraft Labeling in Aerial and Satellite Images Based on Continuous Morphological Models

Gavrilov D., Mestetskiy L., Semenov A.


A method of labeling aerial and satellite remote sensing images for detecting objects of a priori known shapes is proposed. The implementation of this method uses an algorithm of piecewise linear approximations of the boundary of template objects and an algorithm of transforming the template contour descriptions to fit them to images of objects in the photographs. The developed algorithms are tested using the practical problem of determining the types of aircraft in remote sensing images remote sensing images. It is shown that the proposed method improves the labeling accuracy and is faster than the manual detection of aircraft images in photographs.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(6):303-310
pages 303-310 views

Detection and 3D Reconstruction of Buildings from Aerial Images

Novotortsev L., Voloboy A.


In this paper, we consider the problem of detection and 3D reconstruction of buildings from aerial images of the scene and usage of orientation data (camera parameters, GPS, etc.). Presently-available methods for solving this problem are inefficient on large amounts of data, where most of the data do not need thorough processing. In this work, we employ methods that find and analyze line segments on the image. This approach allows us to use image preprocessing based on line segment analysis, thereby reducing the amount of data that require computationally complex operations.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(6):311-318
pages 311-318 views

Design and Implementation of Port-Mapped IO Management Subsystem and Kernel Interface for True Microkernels on IA-32 Processors

Klimiankou Y.


Management of access to the Input/Output (IO) facilities of a computer system is one of the core functions of the operating system kernel. In this paper, we propose a new design of port-mapped IO management subsystem, suitable for use in the second generation or true microkernels. Specifically, the proposed design uses IA-32, the widespread CPU with the support of the concept of IO ports, as a target processor architecture. We also present and describe the protocol for access to IO means implemented in the kernel from the user-mode drivers, as well as the related optimizations implemented on the kernel side.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(6):319-323
pages 319-323 views

Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Computer Cluster Built on IBM POWER8 Microprocessors

Mal’kovskii S., Sorokin A., Korolev S., Zatsarinnyi A., Tsoi G.


This paper is devoted to the performance evaluation of a hybrid computer cluster built on IBM POWER8 CPUs and NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs. The architecture of the computing system and software used are described. Results of experiments carried out using the STREAM, NPB, Crossroads/NERSC-9 DGEMM, and HPL packages are discussed. The efficiency of the simultaneous multithreading (SMT) technology supported by POWER8 processors, as well as the performance of some compilers, parallel programming and mathematical libraries, on this architecture is analyzed.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(6):324-332
pages 324-332 views

CUDA-Based Method to Boost Target Performance Evaluation of Space Systems for Automatic Mobile Object Identification and Localization

Skorokhodov Y.


The complex organization and application conditions of space systems for automatic identification and localization of mobile objects, which include the automatic identification system (AIS) and automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) system, determine the choice of simulation models for the mathematical formalization of their operation. Simulation modeling of satellite constellations capable of receiving, processing, and retransmitting AIS and ADS-B signals can take a significant amount of time when being used to substantiate circuit design solutions for satellites and plans for their further application given a large number of radiation sources to be simulated (e.g., for the AIS, their number exceeds 500 thousand). One of the methods for solving this problem is parallel computing based on the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) technology. However, due to the specificity of machine instruction execution on NVIDIA GPUs, software quality depends heavily on GPU memory allocation efficiency and algorithms for program code execution. In this paper, we propose a method for target performance evaluation of space systems for automatic identification and localization of mobile objects; the method uses massively parallel computations on GPUs to provide a significant reduction in simulation time, which is especially important for multi-satellite constellations. The efficiency of the method is confirmed by model-cybernetic experiments carried out on various software and hardware platforms.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(6):333-345
pages 333-345 views

Interactive Near Duplicate Search in Software Documentation

Luciv D., Koznov D., Shelikhovskii A., Romanovsky K., Chernishev G., Terekhov A., Grigoriev D., Smirnova A., Borovkov D., Vasenina A.


Various software features such as classes, methods, requirements, and tests often have similar functionality. This can lead to emergence of duplicates in their descriptive documentation. Uncontrolled duplicates created via copy/paste hinder the process of documentation maintenance. Therefore, the task of duplicate detection in software documentation is of importance. Solving it makes planned reuse possible, as well as creating and using templates for unification and automatic generation of documentation. In this paper, we present an approach for interactive detection of near duplicates that involves the user in order to conduct meaningful search. It includes a new formal definition of a near duplicate, a pattern-based , and the proof of its completeness. Moreover, we demonstrate the results of experimenting on a collection of documents of several industrial projects.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(6):346-355
pages 346-355 views