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Vol 45, No 5 (2019)


Feature selection: Comparative Analysis of Binary Metaheuristics and Population Based Algorithm with Adaptive Memory

Hodashinsky I.A., Sarin K.S.


The NP-hard feature selection problem is studied. For solving this problem, a population based algorithm that uses a combination of random and heuristic search is proposed. The solution is represented by a binary vector the dimension of which is determined by the number of features in the data set. New solution are generated randomly using the normal and uniform distribution. The heuristic underlying the proposed approach is formulated as follows: the chance of a feature to get into the next generation is proportional to the frequency with which this feature occurs in the best preceding solutions. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is checked on 18 known data sets. This algorithm is statistically compared with other similar algorithms.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):221-227
pages 221-227 views

Stance Detection Based on Ensembles of Classifiers

Vychegzhanin S.V., Kotelnikov E.V.


A method of stance detection in text is proposed. This method is based on the machine learning of ensembles of classifiers. It is known that ensembles have advantages over individual classifiers, which often improves the quality of classification. An important issue is determining the classifiers that should be included in such an ensemble. The method of constructing ensembles proposed in this paper, which is based on a cross-validation procedure, makes it possible to optimize the parameters of the base classifiers, evaluate the effectiveness of each combination of classifiers included in the set, and select the optimal combination. For testing the proposed method, corpora of Russian language messages in Internet forums and the social network VKontakte have been formed. These messages concern three socially significant issues—vaccination of children, Unified State Exam, and human cloning. The experimental study shows the advantage of the proposed method over other classifiers.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):228-240
pages 228-240 views

Elimination of Negative Circuits in Certain Neural Network Structures to Achieve Stable Solutions

Karpov Y.L., Karpov L.E., Smetanin Y.G.


The problem of improving structural properties of artificial discrete neural networks is investigated. The structure of the neural network is regarded as a theoretical graph. Cyclical substructures can occur in this structure under certain conditions, e.g., when there is feedback among neural network layers. Some properties of cycles in the graphs corresponding to neural networks have a significant effect not only on the rate of convergence to the (stable) solutions of the problems posed by network users, but also on the very possibility of obtaining these solutions. These properties include the negativity of some circuits (simple cycles) in neural network graphs. We propose an algorithm that makes it possible to eliminate negative circuits from neural network graphs under certain constraints formulated in this paper. It increases the chances of finding correct solutions to the problems for which neural networks were developed. An illustrative example is presented.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):241-250
pages 241-250 views

Approaches to Improving the Efficiency of Data Centers

Kostenko V.A., Chupakhin A.A.


Methods for improving the efficiency of using data center resources are proposed. They are based on expanding the functional capabilities and improving the accuracy of mapping requests to physical resources in the scheduler used in the cloud platform.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):251-256
pages 251-256 views

Graph-Based Software Framework for Implementation of Complex Computational Methods

Sokolov A.P., Pershin A.Y.


This paper presents a graph-based approach to the implementation of complex computational methods. The approach is aimed at providing the researcher or engineer with a set of software tools for the organization of his or her source code, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of its further verification, validation, and support. The proposed approach is based on three levels of abstraction: categorical level (description of algorithm data transformations in algebraic terms of category theory), graphical level (description of the algorithm in the form of a directed graph), and interface level (particular software implementation of tools for algorithm construction based on the introduced concept of graph model for complex computational methods). Some features of the implemented software framework for building and traversing graph models are described. The effectiveness of the graph-based approach is exemplified by the computational methods for micromechanics of composite materials.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):257-267
pages 257-267 views

Application of Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach in Analyzing Mobile App Issues

Pandey M., Litoriya R., Pandey P.


In the current scenario, the popularity of smartphones has led to the emergence of an ample collection of mobile applications (apps). Mobile apps are dynamic in nature; therefore, classical software development approaches are not suitable. Individual needs of the customer, new technology, battery consumption, and many more issues force app developers regularly introduce new apps to the market. But due to the unavailability of any formal and customized practices of app development, various issues occur in mobile apps. These issues may adversely affect the application and user acceptance of the end product. In this paper, fifteen issues in mobile apps have been identified. Then we applied Fuzzy-DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method to analyze the critical mobile issues (CMIs) and divide these issues into cause and effect groups. Firstly, multiple experts evaluate the direct relations of influential issues in mobile apps. The evaluation results are presented in triangular fuzzy numbers (TFN). Secondly, convert the linguistic terms into TFN. Thirdly, based on DEMATEL, the cause-effect classifications of issues are obtained. Finally, the issues in the cause category are identified as CMIs in mobile apps. The outcome of the research is compared with the other variants of DEMATEL like G-DEMATEL and E-DEMATEL and the comparative results suggest that fuzzy-DEMATEL is the most fitting method to analyze the interrelationship of different issues in mobile apps development. The outcome of this work definitely assists the mobile apps development industry to successful identification of the serious issues where professionals and project managers could really focus on.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):268-287
pages 268-287 views

Package of Procedures for Inverting Matrices Whose Entries are Linear Difference Operators

Abramov S.A., Khmelnov D.E.


The matrices considered in this paper belong to \({\text{Ma}}{{{\text{t}}}_{n}}(\mathbb{K}[\sigma ,{{\sigma }^{{ - 1}}}])\), i.e., to the ring of \(n \times n\)-matrices whose entries are scalar difference operators with the coefficients from the difference field \(\mathbb{K}\) of characteristic 0 with automorphism (“shift”) \(\sigma \). A family of algorithms is discussed that allow one to check whether there exists an inverse matrix for a given matrix from \({\text{Ma}}{{{\text{t}}}_{n}}(\mathbb{K}[\sigma ,{{\sigma }^{{ - 1}}}])\) in this ring and, if exists, to construct it. These algorithms are made to correspond to complexities in terms of the number of arithmetic operations and the number of shifts (i.e., applications of σ and \({{\sigma }^{{ - 1}}}\)) in the field \(\mathbb{K}\). The algorithms are implemented in the form of Maple-procedures. This makes it possible to experimentally compare them in terms of time spent. The selection of the best algorithm based on these experiments does not always coincide with the complexity-based selection. An attempt is made to find out why this happens. A package of procedures for solving the considered problems is suggested, where the main procedure includes a parameter that specifies which algorithm is to be applied. If this parameter is lacking, than an a priori specified algorithm is selected that is relatively good both from the complexity and experimental standpoint compared to the others.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):288-297
pages 288-297 views

Particular Solutions of Linear Differential and (q-) Difference Systems with Hypergeometric Right-hand Sides

Ryabenko A.A.


Nonhomogeneous systems of linear ordinary differential, difference, and q-difference equations are considered. The coefficients of the systems are rational functions of one variable over a field of characteristic 0. Equations in the system may have arbitrary orders. For differential systems with a hyperexponential right-hand side and (q-)difference systems with a hypergeometric right-hand side, an algorithm for searching particular solutions is suggested. The search for a particular solution for such systems reduces to solving several problems of searching particular solutions of nonhomogeneous systems with polynomial coefficients and polynomial right-hand sides. An implementation of the algorithm in Maple 2018 is proposed.

Programming and Computer Software. 2019;45(5):298-302
pages 298-302 views

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