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Top problem

The Second Russia – Africa Summit and Economic and Humanitarian Forum: New Global Architecture

Andreeva T., Barinov A., Voronina N., Zelenova D.


The article explores issues high on the agenda of the second Russia – Africa Summit and Economic and Humanitarian Forum. The authors give an overview of thematic sessions, important political agreements, summarize the main results of the Summit and Forum, and discuss the provisions of the final declaration.Guided by Irina Abramova, Director of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the authors took part in the preparation of a number of sessions and materials for the Forum. The article details the most important work of the entire Institute in this area. The authors conclude that the scale of the Second Summit and Forum is determined not only by the number of participants and signed agreements, but also by the geopolitical significance of the event in a broad international context and contribution to the formation and establishment of a more equitable architecture of the world order.African countries, as well as the African Union (AU), are increasingly loudly and clearly declaring their international agency, which is in the interest of Russia. The main political issues raised during the Summit and Forum, such as international agency, fight against neocolonialism and strive for multipolarity, will determine the agenda of Russia – Africa cooperation in the long term.

Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):5-18
pages 5-18 views

Politics, economics

Strategic Culture of India and Pakistan and Its Influence on Weapon Names

Golubtsova E.


The article analyzes the evolution of the foreign and domestic policy of the United Arab Emirates from the moment of the formation of the state to the present. The formation of the UAE coincided with the rise in prices for hydrocarbons in the early 1970s, which allowed the state to attract foreign qualified personnel for the development of advanced sectors of the economy. It has been demonstrated that almost continuous economic growth has contributed to attracting large investments to the country and turning the UAE into the leading financial center of the Arab world. A number of factors contributed to the achievement of such success: effective management, entrepreneurial spirit of the elites, as well as mutual assistance of the two leading emirates – Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Moreover, the economic power achieved, comparable to the power of Saudi Arabia, allowed the Emirates to join the struggle for regional leadership during the events of the Arab Spring. It is important to use the UAE’s power tools, which were vividly demonstrated in the Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni crises. Systematic and quantitative methods were used in the study.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):19-26
pages 19-26 views

UAE in the Struggle for Regional Leadership

Khayrullin T., Korotayev A.


The article analyzes the evolution of the foreign and domestic policy of the United Arab Emirates from the moment of the formation of the state to the present. The formation of the UAE coincided with the rise in prices for hydrocarbons in the early 1970s, which allowed the state to attract foreign qualified personnel for the development of advanced sectors of the economy. It has been demonstrated that almost continuous economic growth has contributed to attracting large investments to the country and turning the UAE into the leading financial center of the Arab world. A number of factors contributed to the achievement of such success: effective management, entrepreneurial spirit of the elites, as well as mutual assistance of the two leading emirates – Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Moreover, the economic power achieved, comparable to the power of Saudi Arabia, allowed the Emirates to join the struggle for regional leadership during the events of the Arab Spring. It is important to use the UAE’s power tools, which were vividly demonstrated in the Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni crises. Systematic and quantitative methods were used in the study.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):27-35
pages 27-35 views

The Program of Deradicalization of Islamists “Operation Safe Corridor” in Nigeria: Evaluation by Contemporary African Scholars

Nefliasheva N.


The problem of deradicalization programs for Islamists in Nigeria has taken an important place in the studies of the modern African scholars. The article is devoted to the study of the works of contemporary African authors related to the Operation Safe Corridor program. The authors of the works selected for analysis note that the state’s forceful responses and military operations should coexist with the concept and practices of “soft power”. Scholars argue that the Operation Safe Corridor program has structural flaws. These, according to the authors, include the predominant role of the military in program management; non-transparency of program management for society; amnesty for former terrorists without justice. One of the key problems of the program is the reintegration of the former fighters into local communities. The lack of mechanisms to ensure the involvement of public and religious community leaders in the development of a deradicalization program often undermines the goals of the program. The economic dimension of the program, according to scientists, is very important. There are risks for former terrorists returning to the terrorist group due to economic problems, poverty and unemployment.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):36-44
pages 36-44 views

Features of Cambodia’s Economic Transformation: Achievements and Failures

Burova E.


In the relatively recent past, Cambodia was associated with poverty, political instability and conflicts. Before COVID-19, it achieved accelerated economic growth rates that were significantly higher than the world average, a significant increase in GDP and GDP per capita. Cambodia has become one of the fastest growing economies in the world. But the pandemic exposed the bottlenecks of the economic development model.The article analyzes the features of economic transformation in Cambodia, sources of growth, constraints and threats. The author comes to the conclusion that the economic model is extremely unbalanced. The country becomes dependent on the markets for a certain narrow range of goods and their conjuncture on world markets. Thus, economic modernization leads to very rapid but ultimately unsustainable economic progress.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):45-52
pages 45-52 views

Transformation of Education in Cote d’Ivoire: Issues and Perspectives

Danilova L.


At the turn of the centuries, Cote d’Ivoire experienced a very difficult economic crisis and a civil war, which determined its development for the future decades. Social institutions of this state have been little studied in scientific literature abroad and in Russia but its education is definitely worth studying. However, education is an institution which reflects complexities of internal transformations in the country, and this social ontogenesis in the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire is determined by specifics of the colonial past, demography, economic structure and political events. What are development trends of the Ivorian educational system, what problems does it solve and what tasks does it pursue at present, since 2010?By studying official materials of educational departments, the regulatory framework, national statistics, opinions of Ivorian and foreign researchers, taking into account knowledge about the cultural and historical foundations of the state, the article highlights some problem areas of education since the beginning of the 2010s, their reflection in educational policy and the current state of Cote d’Ivoire’s school.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):53-60
pages 53-60 views

Humanitarian Activities of International Structures in Africa. Some Aspects

Grishina N., Ksenofontova N.


The intensification of multilateral humanitarian activities of international organizations is especially noticeable in African countries, most of which belong to the poorest in the world. Areas of response are zones of armed and military conflicts, territories whose inhabitants have suffered as a result of natural disasters and dangerous diseases. As a rule, women, children and elderly people need emergency assistance first of all.Most humanitarian missions operate under the auspices of the UN, the African Union, the European Union, and UNICEF. Significant assistance comes from volunteers working as part of humanitarian organizations – citizens of African, European, Asian countries, representatives of both Americas. Various socio-cultural and socio-economic programs are being implemented, aimed, in particular, at providing young people of both sexes with access to education, introducing the population to new types of employment, and mastering modern agricultural machinery. Financial support is provided by the entities of the World Bank.In their work, humanitarian workers often rely on the support of community religious leaders, whose authority allows them to conduct conversations with the population on topical issues. The focus is on the fight against diseases, poverty, gender inequality, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS and environmental degradation.For many decades, the Russian Federation has been involved in international humanitarian activities, considering it as one of its foreign policy tasks to strengthen stability and security worldwide.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):61-68
pages 61-68 views

Post-graduate tribune

Military Bloc Policy of the Western Powers in the Asia-Pacific Region

Cherneva T.


The need to assess the retrospective of the development of the multilateral alliance of Western powers in the Asia-Pacific region is due to the modern dynamics of the transforming “classic” model of military cooperation in order to determine the need to create a new military and political alliance – AUKUS. As well as to identify specific problems in the functioning of specific alliances, followed by an assessment of the factors of their influence on the alignment forces in the region, in the emerging system of the “new” balance of power between the US and China.The emergence of a new military and political alliance AUKUS is determined by the evolutionary need to develop a system of military and political alliance in the Asia-Pacific region, dictated by the need of Western powers (primarily the United States) to build a more effective system of alliances designed to provide a “real value” in the policy of balancing Western democracies in response to modern challenges within the APR.
Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):69-77
pages 69-77 views

Book review

India on the Way to Independence

Zaripova L.


Asia & Africa today. 2023;(9):78-81
pages 78-81 views