The Shi’a Paramilitary Units “Al Hashd al Shaabi” in Iraqi and Regional Policy




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The non-state actors such as the Hizbullah movement in Lebanon, Ansarullah in Yemen or the Iraqi Shi’a groups play important role in current political processes in the Middle East. This article considers activity of the Popular Mobilization Units of Iraq (“al Hashd al Shaabi”). The author touches upon genesis and reasons of their appearance: politicization of the Shi’a community of Iraq in the beginning of XXI century, Sunni-Shi’a conflict, the struggle against terrorism in 2014–2017. This article touches upon military capabilities of the PMU, their leadership and economic opportunities. The conclusion is made about strong connection of this organization with Iran. The author also analyses political activity of the PMU and their success. The author also makes outlook of the activity of this group in regional scope concluding that it strongly helps in achieving Iranian external political interests: especially struggle against American military presence in the Middle East.


A. Kuznetsov

HSE University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8073-401X

PhD (Political Science), Lecturer

Moscow, Russia


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