Evolution of the Saudi-Egyptian Relations




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This article delves into the evolving relationship between Saudi Arabia and Egypt under the leadership of Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, particularly focusing on recent developments since 2022. It argues that a notable systemic shift has occurred, transforming the previously symmetric interdependence between the two states into an asymmetric dependence, which now favors Saudi Arabia. By comparing past instances of Saudi-Egyptian interactions during conflicts such as the Syrian crisis in 2016 with their current disagreements over the Palestinian-Israeli question, the article illuminates the primary catalyst behind Egypt’s current posture of appeasement towards Saudi Arabia. The analysis underscores how this new alignment configuration has markedly restricted the maneuverability of Egyptian elites in their engagements with Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, it highlights Saudi Arabia’s proactive efforts to leverage its enhanced bargaining power vis-à-vis Egypt, strategically influencing the latter’s foreign policy decisions toтbetter align with Saudi interests. This shifting dynamic carries significant implications for regional geopolitics, signaling Saudi Arabia’s rising dominance and its assertive approach in shaping Egypt’s foreign policy trajectory. As such, it signifies a notable alteration in the power dynamics within the Middle East.


A Khalfa

Ural Federal University

Email: Ahmedkhalfa94@gmail.com

Post-graduate studen

Yekaterinburg, Russia


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