UAE in the Struggle for Regional Leadership




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The article analyzes the evolution of the foreign and domestic policy of the United Arab Emirates from the moment of the formation of the state to the present. The formation of the UAE coincided with the rise in prices for hydrocarbons in the early 1970s, which allowed the state to attract foreign qualified personnel for the development of advanced sectors of the economy. It has been demonstrated that almost continuous economic growth has contributed to attracting large investments to the country and turning the UAE into the leading financial center of the Arab world. A number of factors contributed to the achievement of such success: effective management, entrepreneurial spirit of the elites, as well as mutual assistance of the two leading emirates – Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Moreover, the economic power achieved, comparable to the power of Saudi Arabia, allowed the Emirates to join the struggle for regional leadership during the events of the Arab Spring. It is important to use the UAE’s power tools, which were vividly demonstrated in the Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni crises. Systematic and quantitative methods were used in the study.


Timur Khayrullin

Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Moscow

Andrey Korotayev

head of the Laboratory of monitoring of risks of sociopolitical destabilization National Research University Higher School of Economics, leading researcher of the Institute of Oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor FGP MSU

Russian Federation, Moscow


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