Seaports of China: Main Indicators, Characteristics and Features



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Over the past two decades, the Chinese component has become virtually the basis of the world maritime trade. According to some indicators of the maritime industry, China surpasses not only the world’s leading economies, but also the total indicators of most continents. After the reform of the port management system, port enterprises began to change their business methods with the help of innovative concepts and taking into account the development of the market. China’s ports are developing in the direction of scaling up, intensification and modernization. China is improving the efficiency of transportation and creating a modern logistics system, an effective institutional system to promote comprehensive infrastructure development. Systems of inland waterways, railway systems of container transportation, multimodal transport hubs and logistics centers are being built at an accelerated pace to form an interconnected transport network using information and communication technologies in logistics. China’s port industry has certain features and characteristics, reflected in the article in the form of analytical theses.

Sobre autores

N. Semenova

Institute of Oriental Studies

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7872-8972
PhD (Political Science), Senior Researcher Moscow, Russia


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