Tourism Industry in the Kingdom of Cambodia in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic



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The article pays special attention to the development of the tourism industry of the Kingdom of Cambodia during the COVID-19 pandemic. A detailed analysis of the tourist flow from Russia to the country is presented. This sector of the Cambodian economy has faced a noticeable negative impact during the pandemic. Most countries have closed borders to reduce the burden on their healthcare systems, imposed restrictions on the movement of people, announced lockdowns, closed enterprises and organizations – all this has led to a sharp reduction in tourist flows and a noticeable decrease in the income and profits of companies operating in the tourism industry. This article deals with estimation of the impact of the spread of coronavirus infection not only on the tourism sector, but also related sectors of the economy. The features of the functioning of the “Russian-speaking economy” in Cambodia and the problems faced by entrepreneurs in a pandemic are considered. The prospects for the development of Cambodia’s tourism industry in the post-pandemic period, as well as the possibility of restoring the tourist flow from Russia, are determined.

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Sobre autores

Sergey Ryazantsev

Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology (FCTAS)

Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Dr.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head, Laboratory of International Demographic Research, Institute for Demographic Research, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology (FCTAS), RAS Moscow, Russia

Svetlana Sivoplyasova

Department of Economics and Applied Economy, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute for Demographic Research, FCTAS, RAS; Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Applied Economy, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Moscow, Russia

Elvira Kalimullina

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)

Assistant, Department of Economics and Applied Economy, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) Moscow, Russia


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