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No 4 (2024)

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Politics, economics

Evolution of India’s Solar Energy Industry at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Kosareva E.S.


The author examines the development of solar energy in India. The first state institutes for solar energy were established in the late 1980s, but the high cost of installing solar panels and the energy generated from them, as well as the lack of state support hampered the progress of the industry. The situation changed in the mid-2010s, which was influenced by several factors: the cost of installing solar panels and the energy generated from them decreased; N.Modi, who had been paying special attention to solar energy since his time as Chief Minister of Gujarat, became the Prime Minister of the country; India signed the Paris Climate Treaty (2016). The negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry was overcome swiftly enough, and the industry has compensated for the decline in capacity growth caused by the pandemic in 2021–2022. Although renewable energy sources currently play an insignificant role in the country’s overall energy balance, their importance will increase, with solar energy remaining the main source of capacity growth in the medium term.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Gender Aspects of the Yemeni Conflict (2014–2023)

Chikrizova O.S., Konstantinova D.A.


The authors examine how the armed conflict in Yemen impacted gender roles based on the concepts of freedom and equality accepted in traditional Middle Eastern societies. In the context of the Yemeni crisis, men are recruited into armed groups, suffer from arbitrary detention, violence in places of detention, including torture, degrading human dignity, as well as psychological problems related to the discrepancy between their ideas about the honor and dignity of men and the realities in which men are forced to exist during the Civil War. Women and girls are also subjected to violence based on gender and family relationships, as well as forced marriages and limited access to healthcare and education. Additionally, women have to take on unusual roles in society, such as joining security forces, armed militias, or participating in peacemaking efforts. The lack of objective data on Yemen’s situation should not surprise researchers, and Western human rights institutions’ information about women’s rights in the Middle East should be carefully verified and critically examined.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):13-20
pages 13-20 views

The Phenomenon of “Parallel” Societies in Great Britain (Case of the Ethno-Religious Pakistani Community: Postcolonial Discourse and Political Reality in the 21st Century)

Kulkova O.S.


This article provides a global overview of the phenomenon of a “parallel society”, which is represented by the ethno-religious Pakistani community of Great Britain, in relation to the white majority. The analysis is focused on the impact of the Pakistani diaspora upon the British economics and political life. It is shown that economic and social well-being of the Pakistanis has increased over time, despite existing presence of discrimination and Islamophobia. An important example of the political success is the case of a second-generation British Pakistani politician, Sadiq Aman Khan, who has become the first Muslim and minority Mayor of London and served from 2016 to the present. It is also analyzed, which impact the Pakistani ethno-confessional community provides upon the modern cultural and religious dynamics within the British society. Cultural and religious spheres are exactly the ones in which the presence of the Pakistani “parallel society” is very well represented and creates certain problems that do not have easy solutions. Much attention is paid to how representatives of the Pakistani “parallel society” influence the domestic and foreign policy of the United Kingdom. The potential of “soft power” of the Pakistani diaspora is analyzed.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):21-29
pages 21-29 views

Muslim Political Representation in Telangana (2014–2024)

Filimonova A.L.


Creation of the Telangana state in 2014 coincided with an ascend to power of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) that upholds Hindu nationalism. Within the recent decade, India has been witnessing the strengthening of hindutva and the rise of Hindu-Muslim controversies, while in Telangana communalism has begun to decline. As Telangana experience demonstrates, the alleviation of communalism can be achieved by means of symbolic concessions to minorities and by a dialog with their loyal representatives while keeping intact the de-facto domination of the majority in government. However, de-escalation of communal violence brings the “Muslim issue” to a new level: Muslims have put forward additional demands to the state government that go beyond security and include, among other things, the broadening of their political involvement. Muslim political representation at the state level is potentially implemented through one of three mechanisms: Muslims act as party representatives in power and governmental institutions; as an object of party politics which inspires a certain ‘Muslim discourse’; or as a collective subject that brings a party to power. The heterogeneity of Telangana’s Muslim community complicates an optimal combination of the above mechanisms within political parties and organisations. Nevertheless, the provision of political representation for Muslims is a critical task for any party aspiring to succeed in the state.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):30-38
pages 30-38 views

Bangladesh’s Hedging Foreign Relations: The Dilemmas of a Weak State

Hasan A.


The principle of non-alignment has been a cornerstone of Bangladesh’s foreign policy since its inception, holding significant relevance within both regional and global political contexts. But over time, local and external factors have caused the nation to stray from its founding ideals. The author attempts to explore Bangladesh’s foreign relations choices, examining its historical context and response to major power dynamics in the region. The paper seeks to unravel how Bangladesh has been a mecca of hegemonic power. By reviewing literature on geopolitics, Bangladesh’s foreign relations, and hegemonic powers, as well as in-depth expert interviews and scrutiny of media reports, articles, and dialogue, this study delves into the key powers’ dilemmas towards Bangladesh amidst its domestic upheaval. Three key explanatory variables emerge: first, its strategic geographic location and geopolitical significance – the interests of major powers; second, its economic potential and security dynamics; and finally, its domestic “winners take all” politics and the involvement of external powers. This study emphasizes that Bangladesh’s autonomy is fundamentally dependent on the goodwill of its political elites and highlights that failures in managing hedging relationships with each dominant power could lead to falling into the trap of geopolitics – financial crises and security risks.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):39-46
pages 39-46 views

New Initiatives within Chinese “Soft Power”

Sergeeva А.А.


The article is devoted to a new initiative of the Chinese government – the establishment of Luban workshops – a system of workshops where future specialists are trained in production automation and even traditional Chinese medicine. The author explores the history of the organization of workshops in different countries, their characteristics and peculiarities. This initiative can be considered as a new tool of “soft power”, which appeared in response to criticism and opposition to the development of the network of Confucius Institutes and other humanitarian-educational projects. Under the national global infrastructure development strategy adopted by the Chinese government in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative, Beijing is gradually laying the foundations of its new international order and shaping its institutions beyond its borders in its own image. It can be said that this Chinese brand has also made a significant contribution to the development of international co-operation in professional culture and education.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Post-graduate tribune

Creation and Regulation of Digital Platforms in China

Zapyantsev A.A.


The paper presents a retrospective analysis of the legislation and regulatory practices of the People’s Republic of China, as well as a structured explanation of the growth of economic and social influence of companies using digital platforms as the basis of their business model, which allows to evaluate ways of stimulating the innovative development in the form of the creation of such economic agents. The main conclusion is that the Chinese government has applied strict antitrust regulatory methods and continuously adapted the legal framework to take into account the peculiarities of digital platforms. In realizing the peculiarities of the development of Chinese digital giants, it is worth assigning an important role to the implementation of the policy of state protectionism, which allowed them to develop in conditions of internal competition, and later successfully enter the international market. Digital platforms have become central social and economic actors in various political and economic systems, prompting governments to explore forms of regulation.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):54-60
pages 54-60 views

Scientific life

Africa and Asia in the Changing Landscape of the World

Smirnov M.E.


The International scientific conference “East and Africa in the Transformation of Modern Reality” held on December 19, 2023, was organized by the Russian State Humanitarian University. The conference participants from Russia, near and far abroad countries focused on the issues of modern development of African and Asian countries in the context of globalization and transformation of the global world order, which lead to the inevitable transformation of individual political, social, economic and cultural systems, create new development challenges and revive the factors of transformational historical influence. The conference comprehensively reviewed the modern experience of African and Asian states, for which the global transformation process has become a powerful challenge and has presented them with a choice: integrate into the new world order and gain advantageous positions in the world of the future or maintain status quo with the risk of worsening their position in a rapidly changing world.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):61-63
pages 61-63 views

Culture, literature, art

What Maghreb Writers of the XX and XXI Centuries Dream of and Denounce (Essay)

Prozhogina S.V.


The essay examines distinct patterns in the evolution and history of contemporary Maghreb Francophone literature (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia), in which the employ of French language resulted to be a kind of weapon “seized” from the enemy colonizers. Its new forms of understanding reality are both an opportunity to formulate ideals of a better world order for postcolonial and modern times and the need to expose the flaws of the traditional societies, flaws caused by the reception by these societies of new methods of violence over individuals. These are among the main distinctive features of the Maghreb Francophone literature, which not only opposes the extremism of radical Islam and the challenges of the globalization but also reflects hopes for the triumph of Harmony and Justice.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):64-70
pages 64-70 views

Book review

The “Great Game” in Pacific Asia and Russian Policy

Astafyeva E.M.


Review of the book: Mosyakov D.V. The Indo-Pacific Region in the Focus of World Politics: Development Trends and Russia (Moscow, 2023). 570 p., ISBN 978-5-907671-57-7
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):71-74
pages 71-74 views

Vietnamese View on Relations with America

Tsvetov P.Y.


Review of the book: Đoàn Ngọc Tuán, Trân Nam Tiến. Quan hệ chính trị Việt Nam – Hoa Kỳ. Hà Nội, Chính trị Quốc gia Sự thật. 2023. 308 tr. (In Vietnamese).
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(4):75-79
pages 75-79 views

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