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No 2 (2024)

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Politics, economics

India Heading for South China Sea

Muratshina K.G.


This paper analyses the participation of the Republic of India, as a significant global power, in the South China Sea conflict. So far, the internationalisation of the latter continues, having reached far beyond the framework of the relationships solely between the contenders. The author traces India’s policy on the issue of the South China Sea throughout Narendra Modi’s premiership (from 2014 to current stage) and reminds of India’s earlier activities in this direction as well. The key features of Indian participation in the conflict are displayed: indirect support to China’s opponents in Southeast Asia by means of increasing defence cooperation with them; upgrading the Navy presence in the South China Sea to the level of being nearly permanent; more open and straightforward rhetoric of the official statements; and developing partnerships with the USA and Quad as a potential tool for China’s containment. India’s interests in the South China Sea are defined as serious and long-term, taking into account the fact that India does not follow the USA or Quad, but behaves as an independent player, with its own strategy and justifications, based on fundamental economic and security objectives.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):5-14
pages 5-14 views

The Arctic Vector of China’s Polar Policy

Nikolaev N.А.


The article discusses the state regulation of Chinese activities in the Arctic carried out as a part of China’s Overall Polar Policy, and not as a separately implemented Arctic Policy of Beijing, as many people are accustomed to believe. This is due to a number of circumstances that arose during the formation of the foundations of Chinese scientific activity in the polar regions. The most important ones include the fact that it is regulated by the same regulatory framework and the same agencies, as well as being considered as one of the two-part basis of China’s international political selfpositioning based on the idea of “a strong polar power”. Since the early 2010s, China’s scientific activities in the polar regions have begun to be seen as part of China’s plans for naval construction through the 2050s and Beijing’s political course in the “four strategic new frontiers”. As part of the same planning period through the 2040s–2050s, China aims to be ready to begin activities in the central Arctic Ocean, if it is free of ice.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):15-22
pages 15-22 views

South Africa – 2024: Political Parties’ Activities Ahead of Elections

Turianitsa D.А.


The article briefly examines the performance of the main South African political parties such as the African National Congress, the Democratic Alliance and the Economic Freedom Fighters on the eve of the general elections in 2024. To assess the situation, the data from think-tanks and NGO is also used. This paper highlights some issues that convey the complexity of the internal environment in the run-up to the event, such as the emergence of the Multi-Party Charter and other political players. Despite the challenges, the African National Congress continues to be the only party with “moral baggage” for voters from all population groups. In the emerging electoral race, it is interesting to observe how the “new” and “old” political forces strategize to maximize their votes from different communities in South Africa, especially among the “Coloured” community. This piece describes the emergence of new political organizations that are aimed at mobilising voters from the “Coloured” community, first and foremost in the Western Cape Province.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):23-31
pages 23-31 views

From Ecotowns to Supercities: Low-Carbon Cities in Japan

Tikhotskaya I.S.


One of the most important issues of urban planning is to achieve comfort and realize the benefits of urban life without increasing the burden on the environment. In Japan, where almost 30% of the citizens are already over 65 years old, more than 93% of the population is concentrated in cities, which means challenges for urban planners. This paper analyzes the evolution of the concept of eco-cities, from the Eco Town (1997) and Eco Model City (2008) projects to the governmental FutureCity program (in Japanese 環境未来都市 – Green Future Cities) and Smart Cities (both 2011), and Supercities (2020). The author shows that with all the distinctive features of the cities of the different projects and inside them, they all present clear examples of model eco-cities relying on local resources to achieve low-carbon development and create sustainable economic and social systems to comfortably accommodate a rapidly aging population that is often hit by natural disasters.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Global Tendencies of Clean Energy Development

Prokofyev V.А.


The article is devoted to identifying long-term (2011–2021) tendencies of the world energy development. “Clean” energy provides long-term sources of energy with low carbon emissions, which encourages countries to expand the use of these sources of energy. The study identified three tendencies. Firstly, the share of hydrocarbons in energy consumption (oil and refined products, coal, natural gas) is decreasing. Fossil fuels are being replaced by low-carbon alternatives; secondly, investment in new renewable energy capacity is increasing to fulfill the climate commitments and achieve the goals of greenhouse gas emitting countries; Finally, there is growing demand for “clean” sources from China and South Asia. The problem of concentrated investment in renewable energy sources in developed countries and China aggravates the problem of access to energy sources by developing countries. The use of technologies that promote development of “clean” energy sources is expanding. There are spot markets, auctions and tenders, CCS technologies, nuclear and hydrogen energy, and corporate agreements.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):41-48
pages 41-48 views

The Impact of Digital Technologies on the Development of the Luxury Industry in China

Alexandrova E.N.


The article examines the features and modern tools of digitalization of the Luxury industry in China. Companies in this industry are actively switching to online sales channels, which have allowed them to overcome the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen their position in the Chinese market. Important factors in the adoption of digital technologies by luxury brands are the younger generation of consumers and government support for digitalization in the country. The article pays special attention to such digital technologies as virtual influencers, artificial intelligence, and social commerce. The opportunities of modern digital technologies for the luxury industry in China are significant, but at the same time, they directly or indirectly determine a number of threats to its development. The promising digital technologies for the Chinese luxury industry considered by the author, allow luxury industry brands to use all touch points with consumers and successfully develop in the Chinese market in the context of digitalization.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Post-graduate tribune

France and Russia in Ensuring Security in Central Africa and the Fight against Terrorism

Abdoulaye M.A.


The article deals with topical issues of countering terrorism in the Central African region in the context of the foreign policy activities of France and Russia. Based on the trends in the development of the military-political situation in Central Africa, the problems of implementing France’s foreign policy as a country focused on asserting its geopolitical dominance in the region are considered. The lack of trust in Western states on the part of the national governments of Central Africa is seen as a prerequisite for strengthening Russia’s presence in the region as a significant actor in the anti-terrorist struggle. Russia’s foreign policy is to facilitate mediation and conflict resolution, as well as to reach formal agreements on training and consulting in the field of security. Each of these efforts strengthens Russia’s security-related interests and provides African countries with opportunities to diversify their security partnerships in order to counter the growing threats of terrorism.

Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):56-63
pages 56-63 views

Scientific life

The Current Issues in the Research of Colonialism, Neocolonialism, and Decolonization

Gribanova V.V., Khokholkova N.E.


In October, 2023, the Institute for African Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences) hosted the All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Colonialism, Neocolonialism, Decolonization: Research Experience and Modern Discourse”. About 50 researchers from Russia, Ghana, Tanzania and Cameroon participated in a scientific event organized by the Center for History and Cultural Anthropology and the Center for Southern Africa Studies of the Institute for African Studies. At the conference, attendees reflected on the complex histories of colonialism, neocolonialism, and decolonization. They also scrutinized current methods of neocolonial manipulation and delved into the discourse surrounding the fight against neocolonial ideas and actions. During the forum, the participants engaged in conversations surrounding the topics of political and legal neocolonialism, digital imperialism, anti-colonial movements, historical memory, historiography, and the cultural, spiritual, and mental liberation from colonial dependence. The diverse range of topics and unique research methods sparked dynamic and beneficial conversations that broadened participants’ knowledge of colonial discourses and counter-discourses, while also revealing potential avenues for future research. A key result of the conference ought to be the release of a book containing research papers.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):64-67
pages 64-67 views

The Role of the Service Sector in Africa’s Socio-Economic Development

Kalinichenko L.N., Morozenskaya E.V.


The scientific conference “Service Sector in Africa: Current State and Development Prospects”, held in November, 2023, was organized by the Centre for Transition Economy Studies of the Institute for African Studies (Russian Academy of Sciences). The reports presented at the sessions were devoted to the problems of rapid increase in the service sector share in African countries’ economy, changes in its structure and increasing role in the formation of a modern model of socio-economic development. Speakers focused on 4 main areas: 1) the role of the service sector in the development of Africa’s economy; 2) tourist services; 3) information, consulting, management services; 4) services in the field of security, culture, healthcare, public administration. Particular reference was made to the changes taking place in the main forms of consumer access to services in the era of digitalization and the peculiarities of the informal services market in Africa. The possibilities of expanding Russian-African cooperation in the field of scientific, technological and educational services were considered as well.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Culture, literature, art

Social Issues in M. Moshfeq Kazemi’s Novel “The Terrible Tehran”

Norouzi M.


The paper aims to provide an analysis of the social issues of the novel “The Terrible Tehran” by M.Moshfeq Kazemi, which is the first example of a social-realistic novel in the modern Persian prose. The novel reflected the main social problems of Iranian society after the constitutional revolution at the beginning of the 20th century. The author is most interested in the women’s issue in a patriarchal society and uneducated social environment living according to old canons. Starting to analyze social issues in the novel “The Terrible Tehran,” we come to the conclusion that political and social transformations in Iran during the constitutional revolution and after it changed society’s attitude to such issues as the position of women in society, her rights and freedoms. It should be noted that the author of this novel has a shallow approach to social problems and he does not offer solutions to the problems existing in society.
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Book review

Beautiful Indonesia: History and Culture in Literary Portraits

Astafieva E.M.


Review of the book: Pogadaev V.A. History of Indonesia in Faces (Moscow, 2023). 72 p., ill. (In Russ.). ISBN 978-5-907620-22-3
Asia & Africa today. 2024;(2):79-81
pages 79-81 views

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