卷 77, 编号 2 (2010)


An analysis of constructions of running gears for caterpillar agricultural tractors

Novikov V.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):3-10
pages 3-10 views

Effect of combustion controllers on the technical-and-ecological characteristics of internal combustion engines

Kozhin D.


In article the influence of combustion regulators on technical and ecological characteristics of work of internal combustion engines is described. Influence of chemical combustion controllers on the exit of nitrogen oxides of engine SMD-18N is defined. Dependence of the exit of nitrogen oxides on the factor of excess of air is revealed.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Converter for mechanical stepless transmissions of automobiles and tractors

Blagonravov A., Tereshin A.


The device that transforms the rotation of a drive shaft of mechanical stepless transmission into angular oscillations of intermediate parts is considered. The rotation of fixed direction is transmitted from these parts to the driven torsion shafts by means of mechanical rectifiers (one-way clutch). The value of the device structural parameter, at which maximum loads acting on its units are considerably decreased, is defined.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Optimal parameters of tops removing working member of cutter for leaf-and-stalk mass

Laryushin N., Laryushin A., Frolov D.


In article the theoretical research of machine for leaf-and-stalk mass removing before onion harvesting is presented. The general kind of work and optimal parameters of rotational working member are considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):15-17
pages 15-17 views

Features of presentation of mobile machines characteristics

Novikov G.


It is offered to change coordinate representation of such popular characteristics of traction systems, as traction characteristics and φ-s-diagrams. It is shown that it will essentially facilitate teaching and understanding of physical sense of the phenomena put in their basis.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):18-19
pages 18-19 views

Simulation of articulated transport-and-technological systems

Bazhenov Y.


The article is devoted to the problem of multisections articulated transport-and-technological systems modeling. Classification and analysis of options for the use of articulated transport-and-technological systems in various fields of national economy are given. A modular approach, which allows to use the object-oriented method for modeling and programming in the design phase, is suggested. This approach can considerably simplify and accelerate the creation of complex transport-and-technological systems.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Mathematical model of machine-and-tractor unit

Zhutov A., Avramov V., Karsakov A.


A mathematical model of machine-and-tractor unit, allowing to reduce the extent of test and to optimize the engine and transmission parameters, is considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):24-25
pages 24-25 views

Calculating indices of work cycle of engine with the spark ignition and different feed systems

Bazarov B., Kalauov S.


Посвящена особенностям расчета показателей рабочего цикла двигателя с искровым зажиганием и инжекторной системой питания распределительного типа. Установлено влияние коэффициента наполнения на мощность, крутящий момент, удельный расход топлива и другие показатели газового двигателя с инжекторной системой питания, создаваемого на базе эксплуатируемых/выпускаемых бензиновых двигателей.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Approximate linearization of equations of gas flowing in the gap heat belt of piston - cylinder of high-speed transport diesels

Loschakov P.


На основе современной механики жидкости и газа в целом и теории пограничного слоя в частности, а не чисто эмпирической информации, разработана модель течения газа в сопряжении жаровой пояс поршня - цилиндр быстроходных транспортных дизелей.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):27-31
pages 27-31 views

Procedure of designing heat in the thermal balance of drying installation

Soyak M., Glovatskyi S.


Предлагается метод определения количества теплоты, необходимого для эффективной сушки с.-х. продукции при естественной конвекции.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):31-32
pages 31-32 views

Forest fire extinguishing unit with end mill: optimization of parameters and operational regimes

Karnaukhov A., Orlovskyi S.


The article describes the results of experimental research of forest fire extinguishing unit with end mill based on self-propelled chassis T-16M. Optimum velocity of unit, rotation frequency and diameter of the working organ, the number of cutting knives, their inclination to the cutting disc plane and radius are considered.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Simulation and design of output of cotton harvesting machines

Yuldashev S., Rizaev A., Juldashev A., Kuldashev D.


In article earlier offered models of cotton harvesters capacity, and also new designed models and the results of calculation of the influence of different factors on their capacity are presented.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Improving bearing assembly of turbo-supercharger for motor-and-tractor internal combustion engine

Makushin A., Kulakov A., Gaffarov A.


Results of the analysis of operation features of motor-and-tractor internal combustion engines with turbo-supercharging are given. The design of an advanced bearing assembly and of the heat insulation of turbo-supercharger elements is presented.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):39-42
pages 39-42 views

Overload level by the act of adaptive friction clutches

Shishkarev M.


Показано изменение внутренних силовых факторов, действующих в адаптивных фрикционных муфтах первого поколения с дифференцированными парами трения перед срабатыванием и в процессе срабатывания. Установлено, что теоретический вращающий момент муфт при срабатывании превышает его настроечную величину даже при больших коэффициентах усиления обратной связи, а распорная сила отжимного устройства имеет максимум внутри интервала изменения коэффициента трения.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):42-44
pages 42-44 views

About evaluation of constructive reliability of cylindrical springs with variable section by complicate deformations

Mart'yanov A., Yakhin S., Markin O., Napalkov D.


In this work compression springs with torsion are examined. In calculations relations between kinematic and static characteristics, according to the Kirchhoff and Clebsch theory, are used. Calculation of springs on carrying capacity or reliability loss with critical values of torque and axial force determination is brought.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Comparative assessment of potato-diggers maintainability

Rembalovich G., Borychev S., Uspenskyi I.


Приведены результаты исследований эксплуатационной надежности различных картофелекопателей (в частности, уточненные данные по трудоемкости ТО и текущего ремонта широко используемых в хозяйствах моделей и средней наработке на отказ) и расчета основных показателей работы картофелеуборочных машин. Дана оценка степени влияния отдельных рабочих органов на общую эксплуатационную надежность машин.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Widening possibilities of the use of heat generating installations for starting internal combustion engines by low temperatures of environment

Romanov V., Rakhimov S., Berestnev G.


Possibility of independent (from the point of view of electricity consumption) functioning of heat-generating sets, used for the engine prestarting heat, for the maintenance of its thermal condition, for the cabin (salon) heating at movement or on parking, is shown.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Measuring rod - indicator

Kiselev G.


Описан разработанный автором универсальный прибор, который позволяет с минимальными затратами труда и высокой точностью определить наличие и объем подтоварной воды в резервуарах с жидким топливом и слить отстой.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):49-51
pages 49-51 views

Grain storage hoppers - reloaders

Gol'tyapin V.


The description and basic engineering data of grain storage hoppers - reloaders, serving as buffer when grain is transported from grain harvesters to the places of postharvest treatment, are given.
Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):51-56
pages 51-56 views

Handbook for the selection technique

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Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):19-
pages 19- views

75th anniversary of N.M. Morozov

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Traktory i sel hozmashiny. 2010;77(2):38-
pages 38- views
