Study of the continuous mode of mixing feed components in a mixing plant





The article discusses the problem of developing means that can increase the efficiency of mechanization of the process of preparing liquid feed in animal husbandry. Design bureaus, research and technological institutes for mechanization and electrification of agriculture have developed new progressive technologies, as well as kits, units, machines and apparatus for animal husbandry and fodder production. On the basis of this technique, complex mechanization of farms is being introduced and livestock complexes with industrial production technology are being created. But recently, the widespread use of domestic machines for the preparation of liquid feed mixtures has not been presented. Therefore, an experimental setup is proposed that combines three functions: a batcher, a pump and a mixer, which ultimately allows to obtain a mixture of good quality.

The article provides a program and research methodology for the installation. For this, a special stand has been developed, which makes it possible to determine the parameters of the mixture quality and the specific consumption of electrical energy. As a search for the optimal combination of factors for the optimization criteria: the degree of homogeneity and the specific consumption of electrical energy, plan 32 was chosen. Experimental studies have shown the range of supply of the installation at different speeds of rotation of the impeller shaft. Mixing studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the design of the plant and its components: dispenser, pump and mixer. With the help of experimental planning methods, the main factors influencing the mixing process are identified, and the optimal parameters of the mixture quality are determined. According to the studies carried out on the continuous introduction of components in an experimental installation for the preparation of liquid feed mixtures, we obtained that the optimal combinations of factors would be the water temperature t = 26...38 °C and the rotation frequency n = 1500...1650 min–1, while the degree of homogeneity reaches Θ = 94,6 % and unit costs of electric energy Eel = 0,198 kWh/t.u. st.un.


P. Solonshchikov



PhD in Engineering

俄罗斯联邦, Kirov


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2. Fig. 1. Scheme of an experimental setup for the preparation of liquid feed mixtures

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3. Fig. 2. Scheme of the setup with an open circuit: 1 – setup; 2 – water tank; 3 – ready-mix tank; 4 – DMK-20 multimeter; 5 – frequency converter; 6 – component loading valve; 7 – loading chamber; 8, 9, 10, 11 – ball valves

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4. Fig. 3. Two-dimensional sections of the response surface for the degree of homogeneity Θ, % (а) and specific energy consumption of electrical energy Eel, kW·h /t.d. h. (b) depending on the frequency of rotation of the impeller n, min-1 and water temperature t, °С

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