Modeling of combine harvesters' operational and technological parameters




Разработаны математическая модель и компьютерная программа прогнозирования эксплуатационных показателей зерноуборочных комбайнов. Программа позволяет проводить виртуальные испытания комбайнов в условиях с.-х. предприятия.


G Yerokhin

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

A Reshetov

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

V Konovskiy

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture


  1. Жалнин Э.В. Расчет основных параметров зерноуборочных комбайнов. - М.: ВИМ, 2001.
  2. Использование зерноуборочных комбайнов за пределами регламентированного срока службы / Г.Н. Ерохин и др. Научное издание. - М.: РАСХН, 2005.

版权所有 © Yerokhin G.N., Reshetov A.S., Konovskiy V.V., 2011

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