Device with self-regulation of power for warming-up of engine in the winter season




Приведены результаты исследований технических средств предпускового разогрева незамерзающей жидкости ДВС. Выявлены рациональная конструкция и средняя мощность саморегулируемого устройства электроразогрева двигателя.


A Shuvalov

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

P Telegin

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture

All-Russian Research and Technology-and-Design Institute for the Use of Equipment and Oil Products in Agriculture


版权所有 © Shuvalov A.M., Telegin P.A., 2010

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