Evaluation of the impact of technological processes




The analysis and the results showed that the technological process depends on several factors: the coefficient of variation of depth of seeding, the frequency of single-seed feed, the degree of soil crumbling, the degree of removal of moist soil to the surface, etc. There is no integral indicator for assessing the quality of technological process performance. To solve this problem, an analytical dependence of the performance indicator is proposed. It takes into account all the determining factors for each process. The performance indicator has a digital value from 0,4 to 0,9, which determines the quality of the technological process: unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good. In addition, it is possible to clearly identify the factors, which increase the performance indicator, that need to be improved.


N. Rudenko

Stavropol state agrarian University; Astrakhan state University

Email: kajwanov@yandex.ru
DSc in Agriculture Stavropol, Astrakhan, Russia

E. Kulaev

Stavropol state agrarian University; Astrakhan state University

Email: kajwanov@yandex.ru
PhD in Engineering Stavropol, Astrakhan, Russia

V. Rudenko

Stavropol state agrarian University; Astrakhan state University

Email: kajwanov@yandex.ru
PhD in Engineering Stavropol, Astrakhan, Russia

I. Nosov

Stavropol state agrarian University; Astrakhan state University

Email: kajwanov@yandex.ru
Stavropol, Astrakhan, Russia


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版权所有 © Rudenko N.E., Kulaev E.V., Rudenko V.N., Nosov I.A., 2019

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