Implementation of nature-like technologies in the development of new working bodies for tillage in arid conditions




In accordance with nature-friendly technologies, in arid conditions, the accumulation of moisture inside the soil layer is necessary. With a significant difference in the soil temperature of neighboring layers and a decrease in the thickness of the treated layer, moisture is available locally for the plant root system, without dissipation over the entire arable horizon. Purpose: improving the design of the working bodies for tillage, taking into account the zonal-natural conditions of their application. A significant difference in thermophysical characteristics can be achieved with a different structure of neighboring soil layers. The thickness of the treated layer decreases due to the differentiation of the layers during layer-by-layer subsurface tillage and a decrease in the depth of cultivation by each element of the working body. Finding the optimal shape and parameters of the cultivator, chisel and rack of paraplow type of the working body will provide the necessary formation structure to control the process of moisture accumulation in the soil, provided that the agrotechnical indicators are of high quality at a minimum cost. To reduce the resistance to crumbling of the reservoir, it is advisable to present the cultivator in the form of a curve with the property of minimum, the ellipse. The solution to the problem of transforming a paraplow-type strut from a broken line into a curved line is the differential brachistochrone equation of the first order. The parameters of the chisel for the implementation of the technological process with the least energy consumption are selected due to the rational ratio of the cross-sectional area of the treated formation. It is necessary to spend the optimal amount of energy when compressing the soil formation on the bit, creating the necessary and sufficient stress (not more than 3 kPa) to ensure high-quality crumbling of the formation without unloading in front of the working body. It is advisable to apply the principle of the golden ratio, dividing the depth of cultivation into a harmonic proportion of 62 % and 38 %. The depth of the cultivator will be 13-15 cm while the depth of cultivation is 34-39 cm.


G. Parhomenko

North Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Agrarian Scientific Center «Donskoy»

PhD in Engineering Zernograd, Russia


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