Improving the design of the tractor seat




Nowadays the fundamental and most important task of the development of agriculture in the country is to create safe working conditions that could ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural work. Undoubtedly, without observing labor protection, the risk to the life and health of rural workers, especially tractor drivers, increases and this translates into a significant increase in the percentage of occupational diseases. A serious problem when working on tractors is the general vibration (vibration transmitted to the tractor driver through the tractor seat), which level exceeds the permissible limit. In order to improve working conditions when working on a tractor, an improved design of the tractor seat is proposed. Its use due to the installation of a hydraulic shock absorber and an additional spring will allow maximum damping of vibrations acting on the seat and directly on the tractor driver when driving off-road.


E. Dmitrieva

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

Izhevsk, Russia

A. Myakishev

Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering Izhevsk, Russia


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