Problems of operation of small-capacity automobile trailers in various fields of agriculture




The article discusses the prospects for the development and use of SRT (small-tonnage road trains) with a controlled coupling device developed and confirmed by the application (2018137360) of Volgograd State Technical University and Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM. Small-tonnage road trains in terms of noise, ecology and fuel consumption are much superior to main-line trains when used in megacities, as well as in difficult road conditions. An increase in the number of small enterprises in recent years, including enterprises engaged in agriculture, maintenance of greenhouses, retail outlets, hunting and the provision of services in this area, increases the need for small trailers used in conjunction with automobiles. A controlled hitch allows eliminating «wobble», as well as providing the ability to steer in reverse. In various sectors of the national economic activity, SRT has advantages in servicing small enterprises, cooperatives, greenhouses and agricultural enterprises. Among other things, it does not require retraining of drivers and a quick payback time of less than 3 months. SRT is a universal type of transport. This is achieved by the development of various trailed platforms necessary to carry out various types of work. It can also be a trailed mini-plant for processing and recycling waste from agricultural enterprises (cowsheds, poultry farms, greenhouses, etc.). A possible option is a mini workshop, a kitchen, a mobile first-aid post for servicing workers engaged in sowing, cleaning, etc. In connection with new trends in the development of road transport, it is advisable to develop SRTs in an automated control option, through GLONASS using the Skif and Scout systems, as well as the trailer’s ability to independently move in geopolation mode for various tasks. With all the obvious advantages, there are negative phenomena that require thorough study and the possibility of eliminating these phenomena. Studies require the movement of a SRT with a high trailer when exposed to large or cyclic lateral forces, as well as the exclusion of wobble when moving along a longitudinal track and when overtaking.


Z. Godzhaev

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

DSc in Engineering Moscow, Russia

E. Balakina

Volgograd State Technical University

DSc in Engineering Volgograd, Russia

V. Korolyash

Volgograd State Technical University

Volgograd, Russia


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