Transformable working bodies for nonmoldboard cultivation of soil




To perform technological operations in various soil and climatic conditions the developed designs of tillage tools should be based on the principles of transformation carried out by block-modular construction and compilation them with various working bodies using a scientifically based combination of inter-changeable elements. Objective: to improve the technological process of nonmoldboard cultivation of soil and the development of new transformable working bodies for its implementation. The basis of the pro-posed new transformable working body for nonmoldboard cultivation of soil is chisel in the form of a rack curved in the longitudinal direction with a chisel welded to it. Forcibly fixing the paws at an angle of 90° relative to the rack in the transverse vertical plane, the working body is a plane cutter, when dismantling the paws it is a chisel, when the paws are hinged, it is transformed into the chisel with the paws self-installing in the transverse vertical plane at an angle of natural cleavage of the soil. The crushing of the formation by new transforming working bodies for moldless soil tillage with articulated paws is carried out along the path of least resistance due to self-installation at an angle of natural soil cleavage. A decrease in traction resistance by 9,09 % of new transformable working bodies for subsurface tillage with articulated paws is observed. The use of articulated paws has a positive effect on the dynamic characteristics of the tool since there are no peak amplitudes in the broadband spectrum of oscillations of a relatively low level, so resonance phenomena are unlikely. According to the nature of the flow of the correlation function, the oscillatory process of the functioning of new transformable working bodies with articulated legs is established, which is characterized by the appearance of a harmonic component of the oscillatory process of the moving elements of the working body. To ensure control of the required parameters of the oscillatory motion, it is necessary to equip the structure with an elastic element, adjusting its rigidity. New transformable working bodies for nonmoldboard cultivation of soil are not inferior in terms of agrotechnical indicators to modern technical means.


G. Parhomenko

North Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture, Agrarian Scientific Center «Donskoy»

PhD in Engineering Zernograd, Russia


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