Justification of the parameters of the unit for combining the sowing operations and the introduction of polymer hydrogel in the soil




One of the ways to preserve crops in areas of insufficient moisture is the incorporation into the soil absorbents that that help preserve moisture in the root zone of the soil. In recent years, polymer hydrogels have been used as absorbents that can absorb moisture in a volume that is a thousand times larger than the volume of polymer granules. However, the issues of practical use of hydrogels in field crop rotations are currently insufficiently developed. The article presents the materials of three-year studies on the physical properties of polymer hydrogels and their interaction with plant material. On the basis of the data obtained, the substantiation of the design and technological parameters of the unit for the complex application of seeds and dry polymer granules into the soil is given. According to the results of the practical use of various machines that combine sowing and introduction of absorbent into the soil, a variant of the machine-tractor unit with the use of a selection seeder of precise sowing with microprocessor control is proposed. Four metering hoppers of drum-blade type were mounted on the seeder. The design of the dispenser included: a rotating gear, a worm gear and a 12-volt electric motor. The dosage of the polymer absorbent was made from the operator's seat, with the help of PWM-motor speed controller. The presence in the configuration of the seeder 4 tyne coulters and 4 double-disc coulters are allowed using the first set for sowing seeds, and the second - for introducing a hydrogel into the soil to a predetermined depth.Constant monitoring of moisture in the meter layer of soil showed that the incorporation the polymer hydrogel into the soil contributed to an increase of moisture saturation of the root zone, reducing moisture losses for physical evaporation, and a decrease in its gravity flow to the underlying layers. The field tests of the modernized seeder showed that its use in areas of unstable moistening can increase the yield of soybeans by 5,5-12 %, depending on the amount of precipitation. Especially effective is the use of this machine in breeding and seed production, in order to provide optimal moisture conditions for vegetation of plants in hybrid and breeding nurseries.


V. Revenko

Armavir Experimental Station - a Branch of FGBNU FNC VNIIMK

Email: armavirvimrev@rambler.ru
PhD in engineering


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