Seeder with openers for sowing grain and multi-level application of mineral fertilizers




The production of grain crops forms the basis of not only crop production, but also the entire agricul-tural production. The intensification of production is one of the main measures to increase the yield of cultivated crops. Existing designs of sowing machines do not always meet agrotechnical requirements. Fertilization when sown together with seeds in one row, due to the risk of salt effect and toxic effects of mineral fertilizers, leads to the death of seedlings and, accordingly, to a reduction in field germination and, as a consequence, a decrease in yield. Therefore, the most effective is separate from the seeds of multi-level application of mineral fertilizers. We have developed a combined coulter, which performs two line sowing of grain with a sieving width of 50 mm with a distance between lines of 80 mm, with simultaneous introduction of a starting dose of fertilizers, while mineral fertilizers are placed below the seed level by 0,04 m, which eliminates contact between the seeds and fertilizer when sowing. A two-year comparative field research of factor work of seed drills with serial coulters SKP-2,1 and SKP-2,1M with converted coulters for multi-level sowing and mineral fertilizers showed that the planter with experimental coulters more evenly seals seeds at a depth of 5,40 cm with a standard deviation of 0,48 cm, while at the sowing of a serial seeder this figure was 6,13 cm and 0,66 cm. When sowing with a seeder with combined coulters, the average field germination of soft spring wheat was 94,1 %, against 80 % when sowing with a serial seeder. For all sowing options with both drills and simultaneous introduction of a starting dose of fertilizers with different rates of 100, 150 and 200 kg/ha, an increase in the yield of wheat grain was obtained on average from 9 to 22 % in comparison with the sowing without fertilizer. A substantial increase in grain yield of 0,52 t/ha or 22 % was obtained with the introduction of a starting dose of mineral fertilizers 150 kg/ha with a seeder with openers for multi-level placement of fertilizers in comparison with the control sowing without fertilizers.


A. Kem

Omsk Agricultural Research Center

PhD in Engineering


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