Increase in the level of functioning of agricultural tillage machines by justifying the parameters of the column of the working body




The working bodies of tillers perform the most important role from the point of view of the technological process of tillage, as they provide all the parameters of its application. The purpose of the study is the justification of the parameters of the column of the working body of the tiller machine. The traction resistance as the main parameter of the working element is affected by the shape of lateral profile and cross-section of the column. In general, in the cross section, the columns of the working bodies can have: a plane with rectilinear boundaries, a plane with curvilinear convex boundaries, or a plane with curvilinear concave boundaries. The compacted core of the soil in front of the stand is not formed when the grinding angle is not more than 50°. In all other cases, such a nucleus is formed even at asymmetric sharpening angles. Consequently, the necessary condition for the shape of the cross section of the column should be the observance of the value of mentioned angle. The cross-section of the column (Folium of Descartes) meets the requirements imposed on it, as the sharpening angle does not exceed 50°, which does not contribute to the formation of the compaction core, and the boundary has the shape of a convex line, which ensures a minimum absolute speed, on soil movement. The column of the working body of the tiller machine should have the shape of a lateral profile close to the logarithmic curve, which reduces the energy intensity of the process by 20 ... 45 %, and in the cross section of the column there must be a plane bounded by arcs of the ellipse and tangent to these arcs drawn so that the angle at the top of the ellipse did not exceed 50°. This reduces the traction resistance of the column by 40 ... 52 %.


S. Kambulov

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

DSc in Engineering

V. Rykov

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

DSc in Engineering

I. Bozhko

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»

PhD in Engineering

V. Kolesnik

The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Agrarian Science Center «Donskoy»



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版权所有 © Kambulov S.I., Rykov V.B., Bozhko I.V., Kolesnik V.V., 2018

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