Investigation of the combustion process in a tractor diesel 11 powered by an ethanol-fuel emulsion




The work is devoted to the use of ethanol-fuel emulsion as an alternative energy carrier in a tractor diesel 4Ch11,0/12,5. At the same time, the maximum allowable concentration of ethyl alcohol in the emulsion for this diesel is justified, amounting to 25 % of the total amount of fuel and providing sufficient conditions for the organization of a stable combustion process with no misfiring. Thus, according to the results of studies of the physicochemical properties of alcohol-fuel emulsions of various compositions, their stability and the initial tests of the engine, an emulsion of the following composition was accepted as optimal for a tractor diesel 4Ch11,0/12,5: ethyl alcohol 25 %, succinimide C-5A - 0,5 %, water - 7 %, diesel fuel - 67,5 %. The article describes the results of experimental studies on the effect of ethanol-fuel emulsion to the indicator parameters, the characteristics of the combustion process and heat diesel tractor. 4Ch11.0/12.5. In order to determine and optimize the main parameters of the diesel engine while working on the ethanol-fuel emulsion, its bench tests were carried out, including the entire set of adjusting, loading and speed characteristics. Experimental studies of the working process of the tractor diesel engine 4Ch11,0/12,5 when working with ethanol fuel emulsion have determined the values of the combustion process parameters and heat release characteristics at the nominal operating mode of the diesel engine: the maximum averaged temperature increases by 14,6 % and amounts to 2510 K; the maximum combustion pressure is increased by 9,9 % and is 8,9 MPa; the rigidity of the combustion process is increased by 71,2 % and is 1,01 MPa / deg; the ignition delay angle increases by 24,4 % and is 28,0°; the rate of active heat release increases by 68,4 % and amounts to 0,160.


V. Likhanov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

DSc in Engineering

O. Lopatin

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering

A. Chuprakov

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy

PhD in Engineering


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版权所有 © Likhanov V.A., Lopatin O.P., Chuprakov A.I., 2017

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