


The paper considers approach to optimization of automotive transport movements for transportation of billets, semifinished and finished goods between shop floors and warehouses of large machine-building enterprises. For the normal functioning of the production process a developed system of transportation and storage of billets, semi-finished and finished goods is needed. In large enterprises shop floors and warehouses are usually significantly separated in space and for transportation of billets, semi-finished and finished goods the automotive transport is used. Time needed to move of billets, semi-finished and finished goods between shop floors and warehouses in the enterprise is useless and increases production costs. Therefore, optimization of the movements of automotive transport when moving billets, semi-finished and finished goods between shop floors and warehouses will reduce the time of technological processes for products manufacturing produced by the machine building enterprise, and thus to optimize the production process. Thus, the search for the optimal route movement of automotive transport on the territory of the enterprise is a very important task. The problem of finding the optimal route is in the field of combinatorial optimization, as well as considered in the theory of operations research and is known under the general name as "traveling salesman problem". Traveling salesman problem is one of the transcomputational. All effective (reducing the exhaustive search) methods for solving the traveling salesman problem are heuristic. In most of heuristic methods not the most efficient route is obtained, and its approximate solution is a basic route. The next step is to improve the approximate solution. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of a number of methods (algorithms) for solving the traveling salesman problem on the basis of which to solve the problem of optimization of automotive transport of large machine-building enterprises is proposed to use either the Little algorithm or ant colony algorithm. The statement of the problem of optimization of automotive transport movement during its work for manufacturing process of large machine-building enterprises is given, the procedure of calculations to solve the problem is shown, an example of solving a particular problem with the help of the developed "traveling salesman problem" procedure of calculation and the computer program (developed on Pascal in Delphi 7). The proposed approach to solving the problem of optimizing automotive transport movements during its work in the production process of large machine-building enterprises can reduce the time for transportation of billets, semifinished and finished goods between shop floors and warehouses, which means that it is possible to reduce the time of subsidiary operations, and as a consequence, increase productivity and reduce production costs. In addition, the reduction of the displacement route of automotive transport reduces the operating costs of automobiles maintenance.



Moscow Polytechnic University

Email: romanov_p_s@mail.ru
DSc in Engineering


National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering

Email: irom84@mail.ru
PhD in Engineering


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