Improvement of construction of a chisel plow




The chisel plows represent a diverse group of tillers, which includes widespread constructions with working organs of a paraplow type mounted on a frame according to the arrow-shaped diagram. This arrangement has several advantages, but it also leads to the decrease of soil crumbling degree, increase of energy intensity of its loosening, decrease of stubble field safety. The study suggests to mount the working organs of chisel plow on a tool frame in pairs both in transversal and longitudinal directions in order to improve the efficiency of subsurface tillage. A chisel plow-ripper with the proposed arrangement of working organs has been tested in the North Caucasus Machine-Testing Station and recommended for implementation. With the view of efficiency assessement, the test results of the improved ripper were compared with the average performance of classical share and chisel plows. Comparative analysis showed that transversal pair arrangement of working organs provides the increase of soil crumbling degree by 17-21%. Thereby an optimal air-and-water regime for soil is formed, its contact with the roots of weeds is broken, which consequently provokes the ravage of offset weeds. More efficient use of energy supplied from tractor and the longitudinal pair arrangement of posts of working organs allow to decrease the specific fuel consumption by 20-27% in comparison with the analogs, to reduce the number of open furrows, to increase the stubble field safety, to reduce the unevenness of field surface more than twice.


V. Shchirov

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of Don State Agrarian University

Engineer Zernograd, Russia

V. Khizhnyak

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of Don State Agrarian University

PhD in Engineering Zernograd, Russia

A. Nesmiyan

Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of Don State Agrarian University

PhD in Engineering Zernograd, Russia

E. Khlystov

North Caucasus Machine-Testing Station

Engineer Zernograd, Russia

A. Bobryashov

North Caucasus Machine-Testing Station

Engineer Zernograd, Russia


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版权所有 © Shchirov V.V., Khizhnyak V.I., Nesmiyan A.Y., Khlystov E.I., Bobryashov A.P., 2016

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