A modernized cultivator-ridger




An experimental cultivator equipped with working organs for deep tillage and ridge formation during the potato cultivation was under study. Findings of investigation are given. Suggested cultivator ensures the decrease of soil density and the improvement of soil structure.


I. Gorbachiov

Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Email: rashn-mehan@yandex.ru
член-корр. РАСХН, д-р с.-х. наук

V. Labukh

Bryansk State Agricultural Academy

канд. техн. наук


  1. Молявко А.А. Научное обеспечение увеличения производства картофеля на юго-западе центральной России: Автореф. дис. … д-ра с.-х. наук. – Брянск: Брянская ГСХА, 2000.

版权所有 © Gorbachiov I.V., Labukh V.M., 2013

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