Development of machine technology for land rehabilitation





The issue of rehabilitation of abandoned agricultural lands in Georgia is currently topical. In the rehabilitated areas there are grapes, intensive orchards and various plantation crops planted. Rehabilitation includes clearing the soil from plants and root systems, deep tillage, setting up a ridge and preparing the soil for planting seedlings. It is known that out of agricultural work the cultural and technical work is characterized by the highest energy and labor costs. One of such energy-intensive operations in land rehabilitation technology is cleaning the soil from the root system of plants. Despite technical progress, a number of problematic issues in the design and manufacture of machinery for some agricultural work have not yet been resolved. The fact is that in soil rehabilitation there are used the machines, which working bodies do not take into account in their design the rheological parameters of the treated medium. As a result, there is non-technological work with high energy consumption and mechanical erosion of the pro-cessed medium. Often there are expensive, wide-cut mulchers of European production with hammer-shaped working bodies. Its use contradicts the theory of cutting and crushing the soil and gives especially negative results when processing soil with high humidity.

The paper presents a technology and a system of machinery for the rehabilitation of abandoned agricultural areas. The basic principles of designing existing machinery for land rehabilitation are considered. The prerequisites for the design of the working bodies of rotary agricultural machines operating in an elastic-plastic medium are presented. It is noted that the basis for the creation of tillage machines should be the rheological and mechanical parameters of the treated medium. Using the theory of impact, the process of interaction between cutting knives and the root system of a plant in a soil environment was investigated. An analytical image for calculating the impact force was obtained.


T. Natriashvili

Rafiel Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics


Dsc in Engineering

格鲁吉亚, Tbilisi

Z. Makharoblidze

Rafiel Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics


Dsc in Engineering

格鲁吉亚, Tbilisi

V. Margvelashvili

Rafiel Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics


PhD in Engineering

格鲁吉亚, Tbilisi

S. Sharashenidze

Rafiel Dvali Institute of Machine Mechanics


PhD in Engineering

格鲁吉亚, Tbilisi


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2. Fig. 1. Apparatus for cutting and shredding bushes

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3. Fig. 2. Apparatus for cutting and shredding bushes: 1 – frame; 2 – casing; 3 – cutting knife; 4 – counter knife; 5 – chisel-opener; 6 – roller; 7 – cardan shaft, 8 – bevel gear, 9 – lateral gear

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