The influence of the number of axles of wheeled transport traction machines on rolling resistance

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The process «deformation - compaction - decomposition - accumulation of soil compaction» depends both on the operating conditions of the equipment and on the changing properties of the soil depending on its type, agricultural background and periods of the year. Since the main part of energy losses during movement across the field of machine-tractor units is spent on the formation of tracks, it is very important to establish the influence of the number of wheel passes on changes in the rolling resistance force. It is necessary to substantiate the pattern of change in the rolling resistance force on the number of wheel passes on the track in various soil conditions. This will make it possible to identify promising ways to im-prove the design of the undercarriage systems, in particular, to justify the number of axles of wheeled transport and traction machines. The article obtained a graphical dependence of the rolling resistance force of the wheeled suspension system on the number of axles for highly hardening soil. The influence of the parameters of the vehicle's wheel drive system on rolling resistance on heavily hardened soil is ana-lyzed. The rolling resistance at repeated passes of the wheels on weakly hardening soils is determined. The dependences of the rolling resistance force on wheels on the number of tracks on the track for various states of the bearing surface are substantiated. The variants of strongly hardening and weakly hardening soils are considered. Experimental studies of the multi-axle wheel travel traction properties were carried out on a mechanical model in the soil channel. The proposed patterns of change in the rolling resistance force during repeated wheel passes on the track take into account the type and condition of the soil. Increasing the number of axles contributes to lower rolling resistance.

About the authors

I. N SHilo

Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

DSc in Engineering

N. N Romanyuk

Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

PhD in Engineering

A. N Orda

Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

DSc in Engineering

V. G Kushnir

Kostanay State University



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Copyright (c) 2019 SHilo I.N., Romanyuk N.N., Orda A.N., Kushnir V.G.

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