The results of experimental studies of digging plow for onions

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The high-quality work of the harvesting machines, both in two-phase and single-phase methods of harvesting, is ensured by satisfactory preparation of the field before harvesting. Even an insignificant con-tent of plant matter (free tops, weeds) of 2...4 % (according to agrotechnical requirements - up to 5 %) makes the heap unsuitable neither for sale nor for storage. The quality of the technological process of the operation of the onion harvesting machine is determined by the work of the digging tool body, since, de-pending on the type and technological parameters of this tool body, the structural and technological pa-rameters of the separating devices depend. The design of the lifting plowshare for harvesting root crops and onions of the onion harvesting machine is presented. The proposed lifting plowshare for harvesting root crops and onions due to pre-separation of onions from soil lumps, commensurate in size with the bulbs, improves the quality performance of the harvesting bodies, resulting in a decrease in the flow of soil lumps to the harvesting bodies. The results of studies of the lifting plowshare for harvesting root crops and onions to determine the supply of a pile of onions to the lifting plowshare depending on changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the soil and technological parameters (depth of digging and translational speed of movement) of the depending on changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the soil and technological parameters (depth of digging and translational speed of movement) of the working body under investigated working body are shown. The technique and the equipment used for research were explained. The results of the research are presented in the form of graphical dependencies; the analysis of the research was carried out by the method of variation statistics.

About the authors

A. V Sibiryov

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

PhD in Engineering

A. G Aksenov

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

PhD in Engineering


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