Results of the simulation of tracked vehicles ride considering the interaction with a deformable road

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BACKGROUND: Tracked vehicles motion on a deformable road, which can be, for instance, cross-country terrain or field of various agricultural plants, is defined with various indicators. Depending on environment conditions, road surface properties etc., some of these indicators are chosen as main criteria of vehicles operational and technical performance assessment. Search of optimal parameters and operation modes of tracked vehicles demands using numerical modelling of considered processes.

AIMS: Using imitational modelling, to obtain visual representation of influence of path unevenness, path microprofile, tracked vehicle velocity, its layout, nature of relation between particular unit assemblies, systems and their properties, physical and mechanical road properties regarding rheological approach to determination of them, state parameters of road material on change of tracked vehicles ride comfort indicators.

METHODS: Results of simulation of ride comfort indicators for various tracked vehicles, obtained with the known earlier mathematical model, which considers design and technological properties of them as well as road surface state parameters, presented as physical and mechanical properties, based on a well-known rheological approach, are presented in the article. Agricultural tractors of different mass and the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, based on the 832M tracked chassis, are considered as tracked vehicles.

RESULTS: Analysis of obtained relations, based on use of imitational modelling, revealed a set of patterns of tracked vehicles ride comfort indicators changing. It is defined that consideration of rheological characteristics and state parameters of a soil layer helps to improve simulation accuracy significantly. The obtained data shows the influence of velocity, mass and base length of tracked vehicles, offset of pressure center of caterpillar mover and other design parameters on growth of vertical and longitudinal-angular oscillations.

CONCLUSIONS: The conducted study contributes to optimal development of tracked vehicles and assembling of different machine-tractor units, performing demanded technological operations in different conditions with specific road surface state parameters.

About the authors

Sergei V. Nosov

Lipetsk State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8427-1606
SPIN-code: 2387-5413

Dr. Sci. (Engin.), Professor, "Vehicles and Technosphere Safety" Department

Russian Federation, 30 Moskovskaya street, B.B, Lipetsk, 398055

Nicholay E. Peregudov

Lipetsk State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8352-3939
SPIN-code: 9664-2946

Cand. Sci. (Engin.), Associate Professor, "Vehicles and Technosphere Safety" Department

Russian Federation, Lipetsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The dynamic model of a tracked vehicle for study of vertical on longitudinal-angular oscillations with considering of road surface rheological properties: 1 – an uneven bed course; 2 – a deformable layer of road surface; 3 – a tracked vehicle, considered as absolutely rigid body with mass of m2; ui, φi are vertical and angular displacement of an uneven bed course (i=1) and a tracked vehicle (i=2); l is the distance between vehicle center of mass and the center of track-ground contact ; L is the length of .track-ground contact.

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3. Fig. 2. The window of the program of calculation of tracked vehicles ride comfort characteristics.

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4. Fig. 3. The influence of thickness (a) and density (b) of a soil layer on vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of a tracked tractor.

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5. Fig. 4 The influence of moisture (a) and modulus of deformation (b) of a soil layer on vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of a tracked tractor.

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6. Fig. 5. The influence of mount angle (a) and height (b) of grousers on vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of a tracked tractor.

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7. Fig. 6. The influence of grouser pitch (a) and track width (b) on vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of a tracked tractor.

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8. Fig. 7. The influence of tractor base length (a) and offset of the pressure center (b) on vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of a tracked tractor.

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9. Fig. 8. The influence of tracked tractor mass (a) and hook towing force (b) on vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of a tracked tractor.

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10. Fig. 9. The window of the program of ride characteristics calculation for the anti-aircraft missile system, based on the 832M tracked chassis.

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11. Fig. 10. The dependence of vertical oscillations of the S-300V3 AMS on thickness (a) and density (b) of a soil layer.

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12. Fig. 11. The dependence of vertical oscillations of the S-300V3 AMS on moisture (a) and module of deformation (b).

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13. Fig. 12. The dependence of vertical oscillations of the S-300V3 AMS on mount angle (a) and height (b) of grousers.

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14. Fig. 13. The dependence of vertical oscillations of the S-300V3 AMS on grouser pitch (a) and track width (b).

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15. Fig. 14. The dependence of vertical (solid lines) and longitudinal-angular (dashed lines) oscillations of the S-300V3 AMS on base length (a) and offset of the pressure center (b).

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16. Fig. 15. The dependence of vertical oscillations of the S-300V3 AMS on velocity (a) and vertical displacement of road profile (b).

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