Effect of Trypanosome Infection on Hematological Parameters of the Black Sea Sprat (Clupeonella cultriventris) from the Ivankovo Reservoir




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For the first time, light microscopy was used to study the parameters of red and white blood cells and thrombocytes were studied in the Black Sea Sprat (Clupeonella cultriventris Nordmann) from the Ivankovo Reservoir, in the peripheral blood of which trypanosomes were found. A shift in the composition of erythrocytes towards immature cells, lymphopenia, an increase in the proportion of immature granulocytes, and a decrease in the proportion of platelets are shown. It was noted that earlier this species of fish in the Ivankovo reservoir was not infected with trypanosomes.




D. Trofimov

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Watersn Academy of Sciences

Email: dytrof@ibiw.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Borok, Nekouzskii raion, Yaroslavl oblast

E. Zabotkina

Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Watersn Academy of Sciences

Email: dytrof@ibiw.ru
俄罗斯联邦, Borok, Nekouzskii raion, Yaroslavl oblast


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2. Рис. 1. Картина крови инвазированной трипаносомами тюльки. 1 – трипаносома, 2 – незрелый эритроцит, 3 – зрелый эритроцит, 4 – амитотически делящееся ядро в эритроците тюльки.

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