Dry eye syndrome: «retribution» for progress




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Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a disease of civilization. There is a steady increase in the incidence of DES; ophthalmologists presently diagnose this disease in every two patients. DES can occur at any age in the presence of systemic diseases and/or when using drugs for their treatment; after inflammatory diseases and eye injuries; intense visual work, and increased loads on the organ of vision; in some patients after surgery for refractive errors and in those who wear contact lenses. There is a clear correlation with educational and professional activities in a risk group of programmers, office workers, as well as schoolchildren, students, and gamers. In many ways, it is the specific lifestyle of modern people in the conditions of scientific and technological progress that greatly increases the risk of DES.


I. Litvin

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia; OOO “SOGAZ” International Medical Center

Email: urenkovamaya@rambler.ru

Candidate of Medical Sciences; Department of Ophthalmology

Saint Petersburg

N. Zumbulidze

I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: urenkovamaya@rambler.ru

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Saint Petersburg

M. Parfenova

OOO “SOGAZ” International Medical Center

Email: urenkovamaya@rambler.ru

Candidate of Medical Sciences

Saint Petersburg


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2. Fig. 1. Meibomian glands, projection on the eyelids

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3. Fig. 2. Areas for breaking the vicious circle of meibomian gland dysfunction with IPL technology

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