Modern solution to the problems of hair growth and loss




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Objective. To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Floema® Complex in correcting androgenetic alopecia in women Subject and methods. The investigation involved 30 female patients diagnosed with androgenetic alopecia, who were divided into 2 groups according to therapy: 1) a control group of 15 patients who received mesoscooter therapy; 2) a study group of 15 patients who had topical treatment with Floema® Complex-based lotion applied to the scalp with one 1-ml pipette per night, as well as mesoscooter therapy. Therapy in both groups was performed for 3 months. Before and after treatment, all the patients underwent trichoscopy and phototrichogram using a special software and hardware FotoFinder system. To assess clinical presentations over time, survey scalp photography was done before and 3 months after therapy. Results. The study group patients were observed to have a more pronounced effect of treatment according to the following indicators: an increase in hair density in the parietal region from 191.0 (181.0-201.0) to 221.0 (207.0-228.0) (p=0.009), a decrease in the percent of telogen hair from 22.0 (16.0-33.0) to 14.0 (9.0-19.0) (p=0.116), and that in the percent of vellus hair from 23.0 (16.0 28.0) to 13.0 (11.0-16.0) (p=0.081); the control group had no significant positive changes in the condition of hair, as shown by the results of phototrichograms. Conclusion. A clinical study showed that Floema® Complex was highly effective in treating androgenetic alopecia in women.


S. Ledentsova

Consultative and diagnostic center of Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia; OOO “SOGAZ” International Medical Center

Saint Petersburg


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2. Fig. 1. Hair density index in Groups 1 and 2 patients before and after therapy cycle

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3. Fig. 2. Scalp photofixation before and 3 months after therapy with Floema® Complex in a female patient from Group 2: а – the left temporal region before treatment; б – the left temporal region after treatment; в – the right temporal region before treatment; г – the right temporal region after treatment; д – the middle parted hair before treatment; е – the middle parted hair after treatment

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4. Fig. 3. Parietal zone phototrichogram before (а) and 3 months after (б) therapy with Floema® Complex in a female patient from Group 2 (explanations in the text)

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5. Fig. 4. Comparative HADS results in Groups 1 and 2 before and after treatment

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