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Vol 35, No 3 (2024)

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of immunoglobulins in treatment of infectious diseases

Igityan Т.А., Burgasova О.А., Generalova L.V.


Human Specific Hyperimmune Globulins (HIG) are dosage forms of the concentrated purified protein fraction of immunoglobulin G against a specific viral or bacterial antigen. Effective and safe methods of the antibody’s purification makes possible to consider HIG as a preventive and curative agent, for the viral infections, against which there is no specific preventive or antiviral therapy, as well as bacterial infectious diseases due to increasing resistance to antibacterial drugs, especially in persons with immunodeficiencies.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):5-11
pages 5-11 views

The role of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating growth factor in inflammatory bowel diseases

Pershko V.А., Yarovenko I.I., Pershko А.М.


Inflammatory bowel diseases, which include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are chronic immune-inflammatory diseases of the intestine that are increasing in prevalence and incidence worldwide. They are progressive, with the need for lifelong therapy, a high risk of surgical interventions and a decrease in the quality of life of patients. The results of clinical and population studies indicate that the possibilities of modern therapy for inflammatory bowel diseases have reached their maximum. Its effectiveness in achieving complete clinical and endoscopic remission, despite the use of genetically engineered biological drugs, is estimated at 35-40%, which is obviously insufficient. A possible solution to this problem could be the inclusion of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factors in treatment regimens for inflammatory bowel diseases in combination with glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics and biological therapy drugs. A review of a number of experimental and clinical studies that confirmed the clinical effectiveness of macrophage growth factors is the subject of this article.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Statins in the treatment of patients with peripheral artery diseases: strategy and tactics of appointment

Paranina Е.V., Krivoshchekov Е.P., Paranin P.О.


The article presents a review of the literature on the relationship of peripheral artery diseases and cardiovascular complications. According to modern concepts, peripheral artery diseases are classified as markers of very high cardiovascular risk. The most important aspect of the therapy of patients in this category, in addition to correcting specific symptoms of vascular lesions of the lower extremities, is to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and their prevention, and treatment of patients in this category should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations for secondary prevention of cardiovascular complications, the most important part of which is the control of serum lipids. Statins are the most widely used class of drugs for the correction of hypercholesterolemia, but the frequency of their appointment as a strategically important class of drugs to prevent the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular complications in high- and very high-risk individuals in the Russian Federation, as in other countries, remains low. The basic principles of lipid-lowering therapy in patients with peripheral artery diseases are described: strategies, goals and issues of therapy control.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):16-19
pages 16-19 views

For Diagnosis

Ultrasonic vascular visual-exercise early diagnosis of arterial hypertension

Avkhimenko V.А., Trivozhenko А.B.


High level of prevalence of the arterial hypertension (AH) demands use of new technologies of early disease verification.

Purpose. Develop a visual-exercise method of diagnostics of AH: bicycle-stressful doppler sonography of a renal-vascular blood-groove with assessment of the vascular motion status and definition of diagnostic criteria of disease.

Materials and methods. The cohort (n=48) of healthy subjects and patients with AH I-II degree is surveyed. Bicycle-stressful research of renal-vascular reactivity included initial measurement and exercise monitoring of peak speed of a blood-groove (Vps) and the resistant index (RI) in renal artery (RA). Calculation the index of the pressor and high-speed relation (IPHSR) on a formula was carried out: IPHSR = Systolic BP/ Vps RA.

Results. At peak bicycle-stressful test the VpsRA at patients with AH increased only 8% (2.8–11.0%) while at healthy volunteers – 27% (21.4–37.0%). Significantly differed IPHSR: at patients with AH it was measured 2.38–3.23 units (2.8 [2.650–2.892] units), and healthy volunteers 1.72–2.37 units (2.03 [1.91–2.16] units) (p=0,0001). The sensitivity of IPHSR was 91%, specificity – 88%, accuracy – 93%. The decrease of cortically kidney perfusion (increase in RI RA) in group of control was less expressed, than group of patients with AH: 8,6% (4.3–11.0) and 14.7% (9.7–23.2] respectively (r=0,0004).

Conclusion. In the course of bicycle-exercise at patients with AH load the small growth of peak speed (<10%) and the essential growth of vascular resistance (>25%), the IPHSR is highly sensitive (91%) and highly specific (88%) criterion of AH with differential border of 2,5 units.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Health Care Service

The prevalence of non-communicable diseases among working women

Amlaev К.R., Blinkova L.N., Dahkilgova K.Т., Mazharov V.N.


Non-communicable diseases are the main problem of modern society. This review represent data on chronical diseases and their risk factors among working women. It also describes the global trends of main risk factors among working young women and the manifestation of non-infectious diseases, including coronary heart disease, overweight/obesity, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and mental health problems. Long working hours, workload and stress at work were identified as the risk factors of non-communicable diseases. The double burden of work and household duties increased the risk of non-communicable diseases among working women in comparing with working men. State-level strategies were proposed to improve the situation of reducing the prevalence of non-communicable diseases and their prevention. For example, the strategy for the prevention of chronical pathology among working women, included the search of risk factors, strengthening of health policy, the interventions at the working place, including adherence to timetable, the balance between work and personal life.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):25-27
pages 25-27 views

From Practice

Immunological profile and quality of life in vibration disease and its combination with deforming osteoarthritis

Babanov S.А., Kiryushina Т.М., Strizhakov L.А., Melentev А.V., Agarkova А.S., Lotkov V.S.


The features of the immune profile and cytokine regulation in vibration disease (VD) from exposure to local vibration and its combination with osteoarthritis (OA) are described. The prognostic significance of changes in the immune profile and cytokine regulation in VD from exposure to local vibration and its combination with OA has been established. It has been proven that when exposed to industrial vibration, there is a change in all indicators characterizing the quality of life, most pronounced in grade II VB from exposure to local vibration and its combination with OA.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Role of uric acid in clinical manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis

Bazina I.B., Krechikova D.G., Kozyrev О.А., Pavlova М.V., Rostkova D.G., Konevskikh М.А., Mukhina А.А.


Prevalence of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is about 0.2–0.8% and increasing during last decades in Russia. Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) plays an important role in mortality in patients with rheumatic diseases. AS mainly affects able-bodied age persons thus having a significant social and economic impact. There plenty of biomarkers of AS, including those for early diagnosis.

Purpose. To study the level of uric acid (UA) in patients with AS and its role in development of AS.

Materials and methods. A total of 72 medical charts of patients hospitalized at Smolensk Regional Rheumatological Center were evaluated, among them 73.6% were men and 26.4% – women. AS was diagnosed according to classification criteria. Lab tests were done in a central lab using standard methodology. All data collected for each patient was entered into an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed.

Results. Average patients age was 49.6±12.4 years. BMI was 28.1±5.4 kg/m2. Arterial Hypertension (AH) and CHD was diagnosed in 44.4% of patients. Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) was 95.1±21.9 mL/min. UA concentration were equal to 301.3±94.3 mmol/L, total cholesterol (TC) – 5.0±1.0 mmol/L, CRP – 60.5±35.1 IU/L. A direct correlation between CRP and BMI was revealed (p<0.005). UA concentration in patients with AS and CHD was 347.3±73.9 mmol/L, while in patients with AS without CHD it was significantly lower: 261.8±77.4 mmol/L (p<0,001). UA concentration in patients with AS and HLA-B27(+) was 345.1±90.8 mmol/L, in patients with AS and HLA-B27(-) – 259.1±75.1 mmol/L (p<0,001). BASDAI in patients with AS was equal to 5.7±2.1. UA concentration in patients with mild to moderate AS was 255.4±77.7 mmol/L; severe AS – 343.4±75.3 mmol/L (p<0.001). Correlations between TC level and BASDAI (p<0.05) as well as between UA level and BASDAI (p<0.05) were revealed.

Conclusion. In patients with AS increased level of UA supports inflammation activity, forces subjective symptoms of the disease (pain), correlates with disease activity and BASDAI. Hyperuricemia increases risk of CHD, worsens prognosis of AS. UA may be considered as a biomarker of disease activity and prognosis of AS, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Modern ideas about concentric sclerosis balo: a clinical case

Mnatsakanyan G.E., Raevskaya А.I., Vyshlova I.А., Karpov S.М.


Balo's concentric sclerosis (BCS) is a rare demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, characterized by concentric areas of demyelination alternating with areas of preserved myelin in the form of a pathognomonic pathomorphological substrate of varying degrees of severity in the form of «annual rings on a tree cut». The pathogenesis of BCS is diverse and complex, today there are several theories of its occurrence, among which hypoxic, vascular and closely related genetic, as well as a number of other theories are distinguished. The BCS clinic is variable, represented by both focal neurological manifestations and general cerebral symptoms. The diagnosis is based on the data of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. The drugs of choice for BCS therapy are glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone or methylprednisolone).

Vrach. 2024;35(3):35-37
pages 35-37 views

Current data on the role of homocysteine in the formation of cardiovascular diseases

Dudnikova А.V., Sokolova Е.Е., Poltorackaya P.А., Storozhenko А.А., Simakov D.А., Dorohin Z.О.


Recent research has made it possible to expand and complement the modern understanding of the regulation of many physiological processes of the body. At the same time, there are many controversial questions about the role of increasing homocysteine levels in the development of certain diseases, mainly cardiovascular pathology.

Purpose. To analyze the current literature on the contribution of hyperhomocysteinemia to the formation of cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

Material and methods. The data of foreign and domestic articles on the research topic found in Pubmed and eLibrary and published over the past 7 years are analyzed.

Conclusions. Hyperhomocysteinemia leads to amplification of the adverse effects of classical CVD risk factors such as hypertension, smoking, lipid metabolism by participating in the formation of endothelial dysfunction.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):47-51
pages 47-51 views

Optimization of pathogenetic therapy of patients with tick-borne rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsiae heilongjiangensis in Khabarovsk territory

Mokretsova Е.V., Tomilka G.S., Kovalskiy Y.G., Schupak А.Y., Golubkina N.А., Maleev V.V.


Objective. To study the dynamics of selenium level and some indexes of oxidative status of blood serum in patients with the moderate form of tick-borne rickettsiosis caused by Rickettsiaе heilongjiangensis, in Khabarovsk Region, depending on the treatment in order to optimize the pathogenetic therapy.

Materials and methods. Comparative analysis of combinations of treatment by basic means (antibiotics, detoxication therapy) and in combination with organic selenium was carried out on the basis of determination of nutrient selenium level and some parameters of oxidative status in blood serum of patients with tick-borne rickettsiosis determined by R. heilongjiangensis without accompanying chronic diseases at decompensation stage.

Results. The daily dosage of «paprika» powder at a dose of 60 mcg/day allowed to level the selenium deficiency to a suboptimal level of supply. Besides, analysis of chemiluminescence of blood sera of patients who received organic selenium as a part of complex treatment showed activation of antioxidant antiradical protection and decrease of free radicals production against the background of improvement of clinical status.

Conclusions. Thus, the complementary therapy with organic selenium promotes normalization of antioxidant protection processes and reliably restores suboptimal provision of selenium and can be recommended for treatment of tick-borne rickettsiosis patients caused by R. heilongjiangensis

Vrach. 2024;35(3):42-46
pages 42-46 views

Methods of correction of chronic heart failure in patients of older age groups against the background of depressive disorders

Antonenkov Y.Е., Taranina О.N., Chernov А.V.


Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a common disease in patients of older age groups. Often these patients experience depressive disorders that affect the course of chronic diseases and their standard of living.

Purpose. To study methods for increasing the effectiveness of treatment of CHF against the background of depressive disorders in patients of older age groups.

Material and methods. The study involved 100 patients aged 60–87 years with functional class II–III CHF and mild to moderate depressive disorders. Patients were divided into groups depending on the therapy received: 1st (n=25) – standard therapy for CHF; 2nd (n=25) – standard therapy for CHF + antidepressant; 3rd (n=25) – standard therapy for CHF + phototherapy; 4th (n=25) – standard therapy for CHF + placebo. The effectiveness of CHF therapy was assessed after 3 and 6 weeks during clinical examination using a 6-minute walk test, ECG, echocardiography, and a clinical condition rating scale. To diagnose depressive disorders, the Geriatric Depression Scale, HADS, Beck scale, and consultations with a psychotherapist were used.

Results. After 6 weeks of therapy, patients of all groups noted a decrease in shortness of breath and chest pain, and an increase in tolerance to physical activity. At the same time, the decrease in the level of anxiety and depression was most pronounced in groups 2 and 3 – in 84 and 100% of cases, respectively.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):51-55
pages 51-55 views

Venotonics in modern clinical practice

Morozov А.М., Sergeev А.N., Askerov E.М., Aslakhanova E.U., Ispieva К.R., Fisyuk Е.А., Polyakov P.S.


Chronic venous diseases (CVD) are an extremely common pathology of the circulatory system. An important component of the treatment of CVD is the use of pharmaceuticals. Their tasks include reducing the specific symptoms of the disease, enhancing the effects of other methods of treating CVD, preventing further development and complications of the disease. The main means of pharmacotherapy of CVD are called venotonics or phlebotonics. The most studied and most commonly used form of venotonics are flavonoids, which reduce the permeability of capillaries, thereby having a beneficial effect on the vessels of the microcirculatory bed. The main indications for taking venotonics are specific symptoms of CVD: a feeling of heaviness, varying degrees of discomfort, pain, itching in the lower extremities, chronic swelling and trophic skin changes. This determines the active use of venoactive drugs in the treatment of various forms of CVD. Most clinical studies show that venotonics have decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, and also maintain the tone of the venous wall. The main effect of venotonics is their ability to affect the state of blood vessels both at the macrocirculatory level and at the microcirculatory level. The wide effect of venotonics confirms the effectiveness of their use in modern clinical practice in the treatment of various forms of CVD.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):56-60
pages 56-60 views

Treatment of a multimorphic form of vertebral infection (clinical case)

Yarikov А.V., Perlmutter О.А., Fraerman А.P., Simonov А.Е., Istrelov А.К., Mukhin А.S., Tsybusov S.N., Pardaev S.N., Serikova L.I., Khakimova К.I., Gornova Е.S., Abozina V.S.


A clinical case of surgical treatment of a patient with a multimorphic form of vertebral infection is presented (spinal epidural abscess, paraspinal abscess, subdural epiema, iliopsoitis, purulent meningitis, complicated by sepsis and bilateral pneumonia). The patient underwent three surgical interventions and underwent targeted antibacterial therapy.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):38-42
pages 38-42 views

The influence of HDBA organic complex with vitamin D and calcium on the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of patients with osteoporosis

Marchenkova L.А., Rozhkova Е.А.


Objective. To study the effect of basic pathogenetic therapy of osteoporosis and nutritional support using HDBA organic complex with vitamin D and calcium on the effectiveness and duration of maintaining the effect of medical rehabilitation, bone mineral density and the incidence of falls in patients with osteoporosis.

Material and methods. The study included 119 patients aged 50 to 80 years, admitted to the inpatient stage of medical rehabilitation and diagnosed with osteoporosis according to one of the three diagnostic criteria formulated in the clinical recommendations of the Russian Ministry of Health, which were randomized in 3 groups. Patients in group 1 (n=41) were prescribed pathogenetic antiresorptive therapy for osteoporosis (bisphosphonates or denosumab) for 12 months, depending on the severity and clinical features of osteoporosis, contraindications to various types of therapy and the patient’s preferences regarding the frequency and mode of administration of the drug for the treatment of osteoporosis, in combination with nutritional support of the dietary supplement Osteomed Forte, containing an organic HDBA complex with vitamin D and calcium. Patients in group 2 (n=39) were prescribed only nutritional support with the dietary supplement Osteomed Forte in the same dosage. Patients of the third group made up the comparison group (n=39), in which patients did not receive any interventions. A control examination was carried out after completion of the rehabilitation course – 20 days after inclusion in the study, as well as 6 and 12 months after the start of treatment.

Results. Long-term nutritional support of patients with osteoporosis using HDBA organic complex with vitamin D and calcium helps maintain muscle strength values achieved during rehabilitation for up to 6 months, indicators of quality of life and balance for up to 12 months after completion of rehabilitation, as well as significant increase in bone mineral density after 12 months compared to the baseline: in combination with pathogenetic therapy for osteoporosis – by 4.2% in the spine, by 3.0% in the femoral neck and by 2.7% in the proximal femur, without antiresorptive therapy – by 1.8% in the spine.

Conclusion. Nutritional support in the form of correction of dietary calcium deficiency and vitamin D deficiency and the prescription of pathogenetic therapy for osteoporosis should be a mandatory part of complex rehabilitation measures in patients with osteoporosis to increase bone mineral density, improve efficiency and long-term maintenance of the results of medical rehabilitation.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):61-68
pages 61-68 views

Violation of psychological stability in adolescents with smartphone addiction, methods of correction and prevention

Kostyuchenko А.Е., Potupchik Т.V., Kostyuchenko Y.R., Evert L.S., Butakova I.N.


The progressive growth of smartphone addiction (SА) among adolescents, the associated disorders in the psychological and emotional state and adaptive capabilities of the user’s body, is an urgent problem of modern medicine and psychology.

Purpose. To assess the level of psychological stability in adolescents addicted to smartphones, to present methods for correcting and preventing its violations.

Materials and methods. The object of the study was 217 adolescents aged 15–18 years (80 boys and 137 girls) – students of two secondary schools in the city of Krasnoyarsk, with the presence of SА (main group; n=33) and without SА (comparison group; n=184). Methods: online survey using Google forms of test questionnaires, statistical methods. Examination program: assessment of the presence of SM (according to the questionnaire Kwon M., Kim D.-J., Cho H., 2013); analysis of the prevalence of SА (taking into account gender and age); assessment of the level of psychological stability (stress resistance) of adolescents based on the “adaptation potential” indicator of N.B. Semenova’s questionnaire.

Results. The prevalence of SM in the total sample of those examined was 15.2%, with a predominance in girls (21.2%) than boys (5.0%; p=0.0014) and a higher incidence in girls 15–16 years old (22.7%) than their peers aged 17–18 years (19.3%; p=0.0410). Among adolescents with SA, there were significantly fewer (9.1%) individuals with a high level of adaptive potential and, accordingly, lower resistance to stress than among individuals without SA (28.8%; p=0.0172).

Conclusion. The results of the study revealed an association between smartphone-dependent behavior in adolescents and their lower level of psychological stability and greater susceptibility to the influence of stressful situations. It is necessary to carry out a set of corrective and preventive measures to increase the stress resistance of adolescents and level out the negative consequences of their problematic use of electronic gadgets.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):70-76
pages 70-76 views

Review of modern devices for inhalation therapy

Yakovleva Е.V., Borodulina Е.А.


Samara State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Inhalation therapy is the introduction of a medicinal substance directly into the respiratory tract using special inhalers. To date, more than 200 devices for inhalation therapy have been developed. The purpose of the work is to review modern devices for inhalation therapy, to clarify their advantages and disadvantages. Interest in inhalation therapy can be explained by several reasons. Let's list them. First, you can inject the drug directly into the respiratory system. Secondly, the therapeutic effect comes quickly. Thirdly, the drug is almost not absorbed into the blood, so there are no systemic side effects. In addition, the patient can do inhalation independently at home. At the same time, inhalation therapy has several disadvantages. Sometimes it is difficult for the patient to understand how to use the inhaler. The doctor should show, explain and control inhalation. The particle size of the aerosol is very important, as is the patient's inspiratory flow rate.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):77-81
pages 77-81 views

Physician’s Notebook

Contraception problems in the practice of a family doctor

Skvortsov V.V., Levitan B.N., Skvortsova Е.М., Mironov А.А., Starova А.R.


Unplanned pregnancy can end with artificial or spontaneous termination, as well as it is also associated with the risk of complications that jeopardize safe motherhood in the future. One of the main trends in modern reproductology is the improvement and wider application of methods for planned and emergency contraception. The frequency of abortions in Russia is one of the highest worldwide; the reason of which is the poor awareness of the population about contraception devices and techniques. The significance of the problem is undeniable and important in preserving a women’s health. To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the level of health education for both women and men in contraception and birth control. The paper presents the main known contraception types with their methods of application, advantages and disadvantages.

Vrach. 2024;35(3):82-85
pages 82-85 views

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