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Information about the density and electrical conductivity of salt melts is of interest both for assessing the possibility of their use for electrolytic obtaining and refining of beryllium and other technological processes, and analyzing the possible interaction of components. Data on the density of molten saline systems containing fluoride and alkaline metals chloride are obtained by hydrostatic weighing. The balloon and the thread of the suspension were made of platinum. Berylia oxide used the material and cover of thermocouple. In system BeF2–MeCl (Me = Li, Na, K, Cs) и BeF2–(Li–K)eut–Cl investigated from 9 to 14 molten saline mixtures containing from 0 to 100% beryllium fluoride with an increase in temperature by 100–200 K from the melting point of the mixture with an average step of 10 K. Due to the behavior of the individual fluoride of beryllium when heated above the melting temperature (high viscosity and intense evaporation), the density of molten salt was measured by maximum pressure in the gas bubble. Simultaneously with the density of the capillary method, the electrical conductivity of these melts was measured. Material of the measuring cell—beryllium oxide, measuring electrodes—platinum rods with a diameter of 1 mm. The permanent cells were determined and regularly controlled by melting of high-purple potassium chloride. All operations for the preparation of saline mixtures, the selection of samples for chemical analysis and the measurement of properties were carried out in an isolated atmosphere of a dry and additionally cleaned argon. The measurement results are presented on the graphs and in the form of the first and second-order polynomas, reflecting the dependence of density and electrical conductivity on temperature for various compounds of saline mixtures. The values of the simultaneously measured density and electrical conductivity values were used to calculate the molar volume and molar electrical conductivity of electrolytes. The isotherms of the molar volume are almost linear in nature, which indicates the weak interaction of the components of the melt. The isotherms of molar electrical conductivity have a characteristic outrage in the area of compositions containing about 30 mol % beryllium fluoride, which may be associated with the formation of complex compounds in the liquid phase.


A. Krylosov

Ural federal university named B.N. El’cin

Russia, Yekaterinburg

I. Polovov

Ural federal university named B.N. El’cin

Russia, Yekaterinburg

O. Rebrin

Ural federal university named B.N. El’cin

Russia, Yekaterinburg


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版权所有 © А.В. Крылосов, И.Б. Половов, О.И. Ребрин, 2023
