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At the radiochemical plant of FSUE “PO “Mayak” in the process of processing spent nuclear fuel (SNF), about 170 tons/year of metal radioactive waste (MRW) are formed, mainly represented by fuel element shells structural materials (SM) containing residual amounts of radionuclides after fuel dissolution, and spent fuel assemblies (SFAS) sent to storage. It is possible to achieve compaction and decontamination of MRW by a method based on slag remelting in an induction furnace with a cold crucible. In order to establish the distribution of actinides and fission products (FP), thermodynamic slag remelting process modeling of the VVER-1000 reactor plant SM fuel rods shells and SFAS, experimental data obtained verification were carried out. The most probable distribution of actinides and FP by melting products is shown. Most of the curium and americium are concentrated in the metal – 99 and 94 wt %, respectively. The maximum extraction of uranium into the slag phase in the form of UO2 dioxide is up to 40 wt %. The distribution of plutonium in the temperature range of 1500–2000°C over the slag (in the form of PuO and PuO1.61 oxides) and metal phases occurs in almost equal proportions. It has been established that up to 99.78 wt % cesium, the content of europium and americium is 0.05 and 0.17 wt %, respectively.

Sobre autores

O. Budin

Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: o.n.budin@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

I. Kuznetsov

Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology

Email: o.n.budin@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

M. Kalenova

Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology

Email: o.n.budin@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow

S. Krasikov

Institute of Metallurgy Ural Branch of the RAS; Ural State Mining University

Email: o.n.budin@gmail.com
Russia, Yekaterinburg; Russia, Yekaterinburg

A. Shchepin

Leading Research Institute of Chemical Technology

Email: o.n.budin@gmail.com
Russia, Moscow


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Declaração de direitos autorais © О.Н. Будин, И.В. Кузнецов, М.Ю. Каленова, С.А. Красиков, А.С. Щепин, 2023

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