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卷 37, 编号 2 (2023)



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Problems and prospects of new methods of light stimulation in visual rehabilitation

Zueva M., Kotelin V., Neroeva N., Fadeev D., Manko O.


Neurodegenerative retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy remain the leading causes of low vision and blindness worldwide. Visual rehabilitation of patients who are visually impaired due to neurodegenerative diseases of the retina requires solving problems associated with a violation of the structure of neural networks and a deficiency of visual functions provided by these networks. Despite certain successes in the application of innovative methods of therapy, it is important to develop new approaches to visual rehabilitation to improve the quality of life of visually impaired patients. In visual rehabilitation, not only medical, but also various non-pharmacological therapy strategies are widely used to protect and restore the structure of the retina and its function. Among them, a separate niche is occupied by the technologies of vision stimulation therapy (phototherapy), the analysis of the main aspects of which is the task of this review. The vector of new research in the field of phototherapy is aimed at developing methods that can maximize the plasticity of the visual system to increase the effectiveness of its protection and recovery in neurodegenerative pathology. In this regard, new technologies of fractal phototherapy have great potential in visual rehabilitation.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):93-118
pages 93-118 views

Compression in the auditory system

Nechaev D.


The review is devoted to the mechanism of compression in the mammals auditory system. The compression provides the high sensitivity with a wide dynamic range of the auditory system, and sharpness of the frequency tuning. In this review, three main methods for detecting compression were observed: the direct registration of basilar membrane vibrations, the registration of the auditory nerve, and the psychoacoustic studies. At the end of the review, the question of the morphofunctional basis of compression in the cochlea briefly was observed.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):119-129
pages 119-129 views


The response of adult adzuki been borer Ostrinia scapulalis to light stimuli in a wind tunnel

Zhukovskaya M., Selitskaya O., Schenikova A., Miltsyn A., Grushevaya I., Kononchuk A., Frolov A.


The attraction of nocturnal insects to light is a known phenomenon with unknown physiological mechanisms. Moths of the pyralid family are characterized by the most pronounced response to light, but the spectral preferences of these insects have not been studied. The adzuki been borers Ostrinia scapulalis, which live on dicotyledonous plants, are the ancestral form for the Asian and European corn borers, widespread pests of corn. Using a wind tunnel modified to deliver light stimuli, we tested the responses of males and females to light stimuli with wavelengths of 532, 440 and 365 nm at 2 lux, capable of stimulating photoreceptors of compound eyes (with maximum sensitivity of 352, 413, 480 and 530 nm) as well as simple ocelli, whose sensitivity had the main peak in ultraviolet and additional one in the green spectrum (360 and 520 nm). It turned out that ultraviolet was the most attractive stimulus. A small percentage of insects responded to green light, but showed a freezing reaction near the light source. The least attractive was blue light, which also caused freezes. Thus, the flight of O. scapulalis adults is induced by short-wavelength light, the response is more consistent with the sensitivity of the ocelli than the compound eyes; blue and green light leads to a masking effect.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):130-137
pages 130-137 views

Analysis of the gaze fixations in performance of mental recall of the route on a city map. Effects of landmark type and gender

Kushnir A., Mikhailova E., Gerasimenko N., Kazarezova I.


A psychophysiological eye-tracking experiment was conducted to investigate map navigation (including tasks of familiarization with the map, route memorization and recall of the route) as a function of landmark type (no landmarks, object landmarks, verbal landmarks, both types of landmarks) and gender. It was found that the number of fixations decreased and the fixation duration increased during recall compared to map familiarization and route memorization. The effect of task type on eye movements varied between route proximity areas. In the proximal areas, the number of fixations decreased during recall in comparison to memorization, while in the distal (“off route”) area the effect was opposite. These changes were pronounced in the male participants and did not reach statistical significance in the females. Men switched more frequently from the proximal to the distal area during memorization, thus forming a connection between the route and the remote environment. In contrast, women’s gaze was more often directed to the distal area during route recall. The map with object landmarks differed from the other maps in the lower number and longer fixation duration, indicating the advantage of object landmarks and, possibly, a preference for the object visual cognitive style among our participants.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):138-151
pages 138-151 views

Electroretinographic examinations of the crew members of the 8-month international experiment SIRIUS 20/21

Neroev V., Tsapenko I., Kotelin V., Zueva M., Manko O., Aleskerov A., Podyanov D.


Before and after the 8-month international experiment SIRIUS 20/21, a complex of electrophysiological testing of the visual system was performed, including registration of standard photopic electroretinograms (ERG), flicker ERG response on flickering with a frequency of 8.3, 10, 12 and 24 Hz, photopic negative response, and pattern-ERG. The aim of the work was an objective assessment of changes in the functional activity of retinal neurons in ground station crew members associated with long-term isolation and the influence of a complex of stress factors. The results obtained indicate a moderate activation of the bioelectrical activity of photoreceptors and bipolar cells and a slight decrease in the function of retinal ganglion cells after isolation experiment. The revealed changes may reflect the adaptation of the visual sensory system of the testers to physical and psycho-emotional stress in the experimental conditions. Further study of the specifics of changes in electroretinographic markers with a longer duration of the experiment is necessary to expand the understanding of stress resistance and adaptation of the visual system during prolonged exposure to extreme environmental conditions.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):152-161
pages 152-161 views


Forward masking of the auditory evoked potentials in a dolphin at monaural and dichotic auditory stimulation: implications for the preceding effect and biosonar

Supin A., Sysueva E., Nechaev D., Tarakanov M., Popov V.


Short-latency auditory brainstem evoked potentials (ABR) to paired sound pulses (the conditioning and test stimuli) were recorded non-invasively in a bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus. The stimuli were played through transducers contacting the left and right acoustic windows at the lower jaw. Two manners of stimulation were used: monaural (the both stimuli played through one and the same transducer) and dichotic (the conditioning and test stimuli played through different transducers, contacting the left and right acoustic window). Thе conditioning and test stimuli were equal in level and duration. The inter-stimulus delay varied from 0.15 to 10 ms. At the monaural stimulation, the suppression of the test stimulus was constant at interstimulus intervals from 0.15 to 0.5 ms; at longer intervals, the test response recovered. At the dichotic stimulation, the deepest suppression of the test response appeared at an interval of 0.5 ms; the test response recovered at both shorter and longer intervals. The complete recovery appeared at intervals as short as 0.15 ms and as long as 2 ms. Implications of the found regularities for the preceding effect and biosonar is discussed.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):162-170
pages 162-170 views


Classification of crops by NDVI time series of reduced dimensionality

Pavlova M., Sidorchuk D., Bocharov D.


The paper considers the problem of classification of agricultural crops. As is known, to solve this problem, it is much more efficient to use not instantaneous remote sensing data or calculated vegetation indices, but their historical series. Time series formed by index values for a fixed spatial point at different dates are characterized by a high level of missing values, caused primarily by cloudiness on some dates. A study of known methods of time series approximation has been carried out. The question of whether reducing the dimensionality of the approximated time series can improve the quality of crops classification is also investigated. In the experimental part of the work, NDVI time series calculated from the Sentinel-2 multispectral satellite data were used. The classification of corn, sunflower, wheat and soybeans was studied. The paper shows that UMAP usage for dimensionality reduction leads to 1.5 times increase of classification quality in terms of average the F1-measure compared to using the original dimension data. A new crop classification method based on cubic spline approximation of NDVI time series, extraction of features of low dimension by the UMAP algorithm and their classification by the k nearest neighbors method is proposed.

Sensornye sistemy. 2023;37(2):171-180
pages 171-180 views