Membrane-Active Mitochondria-Targeted Antitumor Agents and Drug Delivery Systems




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Mitochondria are “power stations” of cells. Without them the normal functioning of a living cell is impossible. This organelle is an attractive target for antitumor therapy because of the variety of processes in which mitochondria are involved and the differences between mitochondria in healthy and tumor cells. In this review, various approaches to the development of diagnostic and therapeutic agents selectively directed to the mitochondria of tumor cells are described. The main mitochondrial vector ligands, their conjugation with known antitumor drugs, as well as their combination with common drug delivery systems are described.


A. Sadikov

MIREA – Russian Technology University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technology)

Russia, 119571, Moscow

Z. Denieva

Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences

Russia, 119071, Moscow

U. Budanova

MIREA – Russian Technology University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technology)

Russia, 119571, Moscow

Yu. Sebyakin

MIREA – Russian Technology University (Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technology)

Russia, 119571, Moscow


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