Cheap Labor And Economic Growth: Trends Of The Russian Labor Market In The Context Of The Smo In Ukraine



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The contraction of the Russian labor market as a result of the outflow of foreign labor during the pandemic was replaced by its recovery and subsequent growth. The development of the Special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine reduced the supply on the Russian labor market and increased the demand for domestic workers. Multidirectional vectors of labor supply in the market are considered in the work in the context of assessing the impact of cheap labor of migrants from the CIS countries on economic growth. Systemic reasons for the technical backwardness of underestimated sectors of the economy, which are an adequate environment for cheap labor, are qualified; the characteristics and directions of the influence of the labor market with low incomes on the innovative development of the economy are given




Aleksey Sedlov

Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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